2 results for day: 13/09/2022Not what you're looking for? Search Again

Neck pain in a child with Lyme disease due to radiculoneuritis

Doctors typically look for Bell’s palsy or erythema migrans rash when diagnosing Lyme disease. However, Baker and colleagues described a 10-year-old boy with Lyme disease with neck pain without Bell’s palsy or an erythema migrans rash. [1]

‘Near-universal’ negative experiences with healthcare providers reported by Lyme disease patients

Lyme disease can be a challenging illness for both physicians and their patients. In an article entitled “Knowing the entire story - a focus group study on patient experiences with chronic Lyme-associated symptoms (chronic Lyme disease),” Baarsma et al. share various perspectives of self-identified chronic Lyme disease patients from the Dutch Lyme community.