Dr. Daniel Cameron’s Instagram Social Wall

Lyme Disease Social Wall: Instagram

Conversations on Instagram with a leading Lyme disease expert, Dr. Daniel Cameron, about the latest discoveries and advancements in Lyme disease and associated illnesses.

I wish she would have been comfortable discussing Lyme disease with her doctor.  #gaslit #gaslighting #lyme #doctor #brainfog #neurolyme #teen #children #information #communication #highschool #patient #commentary

I wish she would have been comfortable discussing Lyme disease with her doctor.  #gaslit #gaslighting #lyme #doctor #brainfog #neurolyme #teen #children #information #communication #highschool #patient #commentary ...

The tests for Babesia are not as reliable as I would like.  #babesia #babesiosis #babesiosisawareness #PCR #bloodsmear #thickbloodsmear #antibody #culture#lyme #testing #lymetesting #bloodbank #blooddonation #gestational #blood #quiz #atovaquone #malarone #meprontobonito

The tests for Babesia are not as reliable as I would like.  #babesia #babesiosis #babesiosisawareness #PCR #bloodsmear #thickbloodsmear #antibody #culture#lyme #testing #lymetesting #bloodbank #blooddonation #gestational #blood #quiz #atovaquone #malarone #meprontobonito ...

Two important bands were never added to the two-tier Western blot band criteria for Lyme disease.  #westernblot #twotier #lyme #test #testing #laboratorytest #bands #ELISA #titer #labtesting #IGENEX #quest #labcorp#chroniclymedisease #facts #questions #answers #arminlabs #eia #mttt #modifiedtwotiertesting #vsle #C6pepride

Two important bands were never added to the two-tier Western blot band criteria for Lyme disease.  #westernblot #twotier #lyme #test #testing #laboratorytest #bands #ELISA #titer #labtesting #IGENEX #quest #labcorp#chroniclymedisease #facts #questions #answers #arminlabs #eia #mttt #modifiedtwotiertesting #vsle #C6pepride ...

I am blessed to to be able to work with my Lyme disease patients.  #blessed #lyme #doctor #expert #lymeliterate #lymedoctor #best #NP #PA #naturopath #acupuncture #center #clinic #treatment

I am blessed to to be able to work with my Lyme disease patients.  #blessed #lyme #doctor #expert #lymeliterate #lymedoctor #best #NP #PA #naturopath #acupuncture #center #clinic #treatment ...

What symptom was not included in the criteria for Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS)?  #PTLDS #persistentinfection #lyme #chroniclyme #lymeliterate #drdancameron #drcameron #brainfog #disability #pain #headache

What symptom was not included in the criteria for Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS)?  #PTLDS #persistentinfection #lyme #chroniclyme #lymeliterate #drdancameron #drcameron #brainfog #disability #pain #headache ...

I wonder if I was tested for a persistent tick-borne infection?  #tickborne #tick #lyme #lymedisease #babesia #bartonella #anaplasmosis #tularemia #brucella #PTLDS #lymeliterate #lymetesting #lymetreatment #pain #brainfog #insomnia

I wonder if I was tested for a persistent tick-borne infection?  #tickborne #tick #lyme #lymedisease #babesia #bartonella #anaplasmosis #tularemia #brucella #PTLDS #lymeliterate #lymetesting #lymetreatment #pain #brainfog #insomnia ...

The risks of Lyme disease and side effects of antibiotics were discussed.  #sideeffects #adversereactions #lyme #risk #benefits #riskbenefit #treatment #antibiotics #cdifficile #medicine #doctor #PA #NP #commentary #shareddecisionmaking #patientcenteredcare #decisions #values #preferences

The risks of Lyme disease and side effects of antibiotics were discussed.  #sideeffects #adversereactions #lyme #risk #benefits #riskbenefit #treatment #antibiotics #cdifficile #medicine #doctor #PA #NP #commentary #shareddecisionmaking #patientcenteredcare #decisions #values #preferences ...

What is the medical term for a distortion of the sense of taste symptom in Lyme disease?  #taste #smell #light #dysgeusia #hyperosmia #anosmia #lyme #sensory #autonomicdysfunction #hyperacusis #symptom #symptoms  #sign

What is the medical term for a distortion of the sense of taste symptom in Lyme disease?  #taste #smell #light #dysgeusia #hyperosmia #anosmia #lyme #sensory #autonomicdysfunction #hyperacusis #symptom #symptoms  #sign ...

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