2 results for day: 23/12/2024Not what you're looking for? Search Again
Lyme disease and herxheimer reaction in newborn
The Herxheimer reaction, also referred to as a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, is "a transient clinical phenomenon that occurs in patients infected by spirochetes who undergo antibiotic treatment."¹ It was first described in patients with syphilis but has also been associated with other spirochetal infections including leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and relapsing fever. The reaction is associated with the onset of new symptoms or a worsening of existing symptoms in patients receiving antibiotic treatment.
Woman develops Lyme disease symptoms after giving birth
In their article, “An Unusual Case of Serologically Confirmed Post-Partum Lyme Disease Following an Asymptomatic Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Acquired during Pregnancy and Lacking Vertical Transmission in Utero,” Pavia et al. describe the case of a young woman who developed symptoms of Lyme disease immediately following the birth of her child. [1]