Conversations on Facebook with a leading Lyme disease expert, Dr. Daniel Cameron, about the latest discoveries and advancements in Lyme disease and associated illnesses.
This case highlights the importance of considering persistent infections in patients with Post-Treatment Lyme disease Syndrome, especially when mental health symptoms worsen.
Bilateral facial palsy (paralysis or weakness on both sides of the face) is extremely rare and can be caused by an autoimmune condition, infections, such as Lyme disease, or trauma.
During my medical school, graduate school, and residency, Lyme disease wasn’t even on my radar. That’s not surprising, given that I was in training before Lyme disease had really entered the medical lexicon.
Dartmouth study finds 50% of adult deer ticks carry the bacteria causing Lyme disease, while 25% of younger, nymph ticks carry the Lyme bacteria. ... See MoreSee Less
More news Articles In the Northeast, 50% of Adult Ticks Carry Lyme DiseaseNews subtitleStudy maps tick abundance and Lyme disease bacteria prevalence over 30 years.ImageImage A new Dartmouth study loo...
In our area of Southern NH it was found that 90%+ of deer ticks were carrying Lyme.
The anxiety of doing yard work is real, especially for those who understand the risks. People often say to just get over it, but they have no idea how devastating Lyme disease can be—how a single tick bite can lead to years of fatigue, joint pain, and neurological issues. It’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a life-altering illness that many underestimate.
More studies need to be done in the Midwest. Veterinarians are more Lyme literate here, but most Family Dr.'s and Pediatricians are not. We have spent thousands of dollars trying to get well here in Missouri and know so many who are in the sane boat. Hoping for more awareness, funding, and insurance coverage soon!
"I started experiencing strange symptoms such as a vibrating sensation in my brain, body aches, severe anxiety and arthritic pain about a year after the bite," said Alayna, a marine biologist. ... See MoreSee Less
I had a vibrating sensation in my torso and CRIPPLING was horrific...
My Lyme vibration is in my chest. I am living in a home with a high mold level and that can also play a role for me.
Before I was diagnosed with Lyme and 2 coinfections, I had horrible brain vibrations…and also in my torso, abdomen area. The anxiety was almost unbearable. Horrible bladder spasms also. Thank God my functional Med team tested for Lyme.
This patient tested positive for Lyme disease AND Anaplasmosis AND Babesia.
Investigators suggest, “Physicians must maintain a high level of suspicion for co-infection, as untreated disease can result in long term and sometimes life-threatening sequelae." ... See MoreSee Less
I'm pleased to announce that we have launched a new, updated website! ... See MoreSee Less
11 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations and thank you, Doctor
Congratulations Dr Cameron!! It very user friendly!👏👏👏
Thanks Doc. You are one of the good ones out there.
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This case highlights the importance of considering persistent infections in patients with Post-Treatment Lyme disease Syndrome, especially when mental health symptoms worsen.
Lyme Disease and Mental Health - Daniel Cameron MD
My patient had a long-standing history of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that had been well-controlled for years.2 CommentsComment on Facebook
omg absolutely terrifying and sad
People have anxiety from leaky gut not from Lyme disease, disease
This study highlights a unique case of a patient with bilateral facial palsy due to Lyme disease. ... See MoreSee Less
Lyme disease causes bilateral facial palsy - Daniel Cameron MD
Bilateral facial palsy (paralysis or weakness on both sides of the face) is extremely rare and can be caused by an autoimmune condition, infections, such as Lyme disease, or trauma.3 CommentsComment on Facebook
I get trigeminal neuralgia very painful.
La paralysie de bel est fréquente, j'ai cela.
During my medical school, graduate school, and residency, Lyme disease wasn’t even on my radar. That’s not surprising, given that I was in training before Lyme disease had really entered the medical lexicon.
I never learned about Lyme disease in Medical School - Daniel Cameron MD
During my medical school, graduate school, and residency, Lyme disease wasn’t even on my radar. A lesson in the evolution of Medicine.2 CommentsComment on Facebook
Thank you, Dr. Cameron, for being the best doctor in the world today for Lyme disease.
Doctors still are not taught about Lyme Disease!
Dartmouth study finds 50% of adult deer ticks carry the bacteria causing Lyme disease, while 25% of younger, nymph ticks carry the Lyme bacteria. ... See MoreSee Less
In the Northeast, 50% of Adult Ticks Carry Lyme Disease | Dartmouth
More news Articles In the Northeast, 50% of Adult Ticks Carry Lyme DiseaseNews subtitleStudy maps tick abundance and Lyme disease bacteria prevalence over 30 years.ImageImage A new Dartmouth study loo...11 CommentsComment on Facebook
In our area of Southern NH it was found that 90%+ of deer ticks were carrying Lyme.
The anxiety of doing yard work is real, especially for those who understand the risks. People often say to just get over it, but they have no idea how devastating Lyme disease can be—how a single tick bite can lead to years of fatigue, joint pain, and neurological issues. It’s not just an inconvenience; it’s a life-altering illness that many underestimate.
More studies need to be done in the Midwest. Veterinarians are more Lyme literate here, but most Family Dr.'s and Pediatricians are not. We have spent thousands of dollars trying to get well here in Missouri and know so many who are in the sane boat. Hoping for more awareness, funding, and insurance coverage soon!
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"I started experiencing strange symptoms such as a vibrating sensation in my brain, body aches, severe anxiety and arthritic pain about a year after the bite," said Alayna, a marine biologist. ... See MoreSee Less
'I was told I'd be fine after tick bite so ignored dangerous symptoms'
Even when her brain started 'vibrating' Alayna just put all the signs down to stress13 CommentsComment on Facebook
I had a vibrating sensation in my torso and CRIPPLING was horrific...
My Lyme vibration is in my chest. I am living in a home with a high mold level and that can also play a role for me.
Before I was diagnosed with Lyme and 2 coinfections, I had horrible brain vibrations…and also in my torso, abdomen area. The anxiety was almost unbearable. Horrible bladder spasms also. Thank God my functional Med team tested for Lyme.
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They say Lyme disease is ‘controversial.’ But for patients, it’s just their reality. Have you ever had someone doubt your illness? Let’s call out the stigma together. #LymeSupport #LymeTruth #ListenToPatients #BetterMedicine #LymeResearch #PatientPower #MedicalGaslighting #ChronicIllness #PatientRights #lyme #lymedisease ... See MoreSee Less
21 CommentsComment on Facebook
What precious jewels you are, doctors who treat this disease, who listen to their patients and do this hard Job. I am grateful to you.
We have lost so called friends because they listened to the great gods of white coats.
Doctors are the only ones that have doubted my child’s diagnosis. Ironic.
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This patient tested positive for Lyme disease AND Anaplasmosis AND Babesia.
Investigators suggest, “Physicians must maintain a high level of suspicion for co-infection, as untreated disease can result in long term and sometimes life-threatening sequelae." ... See MoreSee Less
Tick bite leads to multiple co-infections - Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH
A single tick bite can result in multiple co-infections, as this case report highlights.1 CommentComment on Facebook
You should watch a documentary titled "Under Our Skin" it will blow your mind!
My Lyme disease patient was in denial. He had not heard of Lyme arthritis, POTS, PANS, Lyme Neuropathy, or PTLDS.
🔑Awareness and education are key in the journey of healing Lyme and other tick borne infections! ... See MoreSee Less
5 CommentsComment on Facebook
Sadly,We have some doctors here,that have not heard of Lyme arthritis, POTS, PANS, Lyme Neuropathy either. Dr Cameron
My sis was diagnosed with RA when in fact she had Lyme..she was in her early 50's
I will give studies to friends connecting Lyme to whatever they were diagnosed with and they refuse to do anything about it.
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