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Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Neuropsychiatric Presentations

Neuropsychiatric Lyme disease

Both adults and children can suffer from a broad range of neuropsychiatric manifestations due to tick-borne diseases. There’s particular concern, since studies have indicated that the Lyme bacterium, within weeks of infection, can disseminate to the Central Nervous System (CNS) where it can remain dormant for months, even years before producing symptoms.

Substantial cognitive & pyschiatric Lyme disease symptoms

A study conducted in 2004 at Columbia University’s Lyme and Tick-borne Disease Research Center found children with Lyme disease had substantial cognitive and psychiatric disturbances. And, cognitive impairments were still present after controlling for anxiety, depression and fatigue.

Children and Adolescents can suffer from a broad range of neuropsychiatric manifestations due to Lyme disease.

Neuropsychiatric Lyme disease in teens

Types of neuropsychiactric Lyme disease symptoms

Neuropsychiatric symptoms may be the first symptom recognized or can surface months or years later. One study found Lyme encephalopathy in children presented with “memory impairment, irritability and somnolence” months to years after the initial classical presentation of Lyme disease.1 Another study found 4% of children with Lyme disease developed encephalopathy more than 10 years after onset of the disease.2

Neuropsychiatric symptoms improved with antibiotics in: 1) a 12-year-old boy with Lyme arthritis, depression, and anorexia, 3 and 2) a 21-year-old with progressive confusion, agitation, disorientation, inappropriate laughter, and violent outbursts with spirochetes in on a temporal lobe biopsy, 3 and 3) an 18-year-old college freshman with severe and sustained anxiety, depersonalization, and panic attacks associated with insomnia and appetite loss. 4 Lyme disease psychiatric manifestations such as behavioral changes and memory deficits may have its greatest impact on school performance and quality of life. Intellectual functioning may be normal but auditory or visual sequential processing pathology have been reported. 5,6,7

A study described 11 out of 13 Lyme encephalopathy patients (85%) showing a clear improvement in their neuropsychiatric symptoms within 1–3 months after a four-week course of IV ceftriaxone.

Cognitive impairment from Lyme disease

In a well-designed controlled study investigating cognitive impairment in children having already received antibiotic therapy (previous medication type, dose, and treatment duration not reported), a significant number continued to experience problems. 8

Neurocognitive testing revealed frequent and severe headaches (100%), brain fog (88%), short-term memory loss (94%), word-finding problems (82%), distractibility (82%), schoolwork deterioration (94%), irritability/depression (94%), insomnia (82%), and sensitivity to sound (58%) and/or light (74%). 8

Lyme disease Neuropsychiatric cognitive symptoms

Another study reported children with Lyme disease exhibited oppositional behavior, anxiety disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 6 A report by Riedel et al. described a child with Lyme disease presenting with Tourette’s syndrome, a neurologic tic disorder also seen in PANDAS, which resolved with antibiotic treatment. 9

While focus in this section has been on the neuropsychiatric impact in children and adolescents, adults can suffer significantly as well. Studies by Fallon et. al. have found that Lyme disease in adults has been associated with a range of psychiatric ailments including paranoia, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, major depression, anorexia nervosa, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Meanwhile, the study described 11 out of 13 Lyme encephalopathy patients (85%) showing a clear improvement in their neuropsychiatric symptoms within 1–3 months after a four-week course of IV ceftriaxone.

More About Lyme Disease

Pregnancy and Lyme disease
If a woman is bitten by a deer tick or contracts Lyme disease while pregnant, it’s important that she immediately alert her treating physician. There have been poor outcomes described for newborns whose mothers contracted Lyme disease during pregnancy.
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Lyme disease and PANDAS
Lyme disease and syphilis have both been coined “the great imitator.” Lyme disease symptoms may be similar to other medical conditions, making diagnosing a challenge. The Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) spirochete is an evasive organism which can penetrate virtually any organ or system in the body.
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Lyme disease and Impact in school
Children with chronic symptoms, can suffer not only physically but academically as well. Neurological, psychiatric and cognitive symptoms can greatly impair their ability to learn and grow in the classroom. Adolescents may struggle socially, unable to connect with their peers or participate, as they once could, in extracurricular activities.
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