Dr. Daniel Cameron: Inside Lyme Podcast

Lyme disease: An underdiagnosed cause of mono-arthritis?

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron will be discussing the case of a 26-year-old man who was diagnosed with mono-arthritis after his clinical evaluation overlooked the possibility of Lyme disease.

The case was described by Marcelis and colleagues in a paper entitled β€œLyme disease: A probably underdiagnosed cause of Mono-arthritis.”1

A 26-year-old man presented with acute knee pain. He recalled having similar knee pain occurring one year prior when he began walking for extended periods of time.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee revealed a large joint effusion. He was not diagnosed or treated for Lyme disease.



Four months later, he had a follow-up MRI, which showed again a persistent joint effusion with diffuse enhancement, thickening of the synovium, enlarged lymph nodes in the popliteal fossa and enhancement of the soleus muscle.

He was subsequently evaluated again for acute knee pain that had been present for several days.Β  On further questioning, the 26-year-old man recalled a history of serologically confirmed Lyme disease.

β€œThe combination of synovitis, lymphadenopathy in the popliteal fossa, and serology led to the diagnosis of Lyme mono-arthritis,” wrote the authors.

β€œMono- and oligoarthritis is one of the most common manifestations [of Lyme disease], mostly affecting the knee, although the hip, ankle, elbow, and wrist may be affected.”

There was no evidence of septic arthritis.Β  The authors highlighted the need for a careful clinical history to avoid overlooking Lyme disease.

The following questions are addressed in this Podcast episode:

  1. What is synovitis?
  2. What is Lyme arthritis?
  3. What is septic arthritis?
  4. What manifestations of Lyme disease are there?
  5. Why is timely treatment of Lyme disease important?
  6. Could the treatment delay have been avoided?
  7. What are the therapeutic options?

READ MORE: Causes of treatment delays for Lyme disease

Thanks for listening to another Inside Lyme Podcast. Please remember that the advice given is general and not intended as specific advice to any particular patient. If you require specific advice, please seek that advice from an experienced professional.

Inside Lyme Podcast Series

This Inside Lyme case series will be discussed on my Facebook page and made available on podcast and YouTube. Β As always, it is your likes, comments, and shares that help spread the word about this series and our work. If you can, please leave a review on iTunes or wherever else you get your podcasts.

  1. Marcelis S, Vanhoenacker F. Lyme Disease: A Probably Underdiagnosed Cause of Mono-Arthritis. J Belg Soc Radiol. 2021;105(1):80. doi:10.5334/jbsr.2625

2 Replies to "Lyme disease: An underdiagnosed cause of mono-arthritis?"

  • AnnMarie Mouw
    02/15/2022 (7:34 pm)

    I walked and hiked and had pain in my left knee first, followed by the right knee. Mri of left knee said I had pain but had a torn medial miniscus. I asked why it has pain In other knee and no answer for it. I could not walk well and had cortisone shot in November, now they are both painful again. Hopefully wil find an answer. Doctors say arthritis!

    • Alicia
      03/10/2022 (11:10 am)

      AnnMarie, you might want to check out articles on Dr. Saul’s website: http://www.doctoryourself.com/. He presents the work of Dr. William Kaufman who linked arthritis to vitamin B and C deficiencies and diet. I’ve found the niacinamide/vit. C protocol to help me significantly. While the underlying issue is probably Lyme/MSIDS infection or damage, there are things we can do to alleviate symptoms or halt the process. As always, make sure to discuss with your doctor.

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