Lyme Science Blog

Lyme Science Blog

Lyme patient expressing frustration with doctor.
Lyme Science Blog

‘Near-universal’ negative experiences with healthcare providers reported by Lyme disease patients

“Healthcare providers frequently struggle to provide effective care to patients with chronic Lyme-associated symptoms…potentially causing these patients to feel misunderstood or neglected by the healthcare system,” the authors wrote. They listed 6 themes that emerged from the participants experiences: Late diagnosis, abandonment, loss, unpredictability, lack of understanding, and a need for a holistic experience. The […]

Woman rubbing painful shoulder due to Lyme meningitis.
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme meningitis leading to hyponatremia

There are many causes of hyponatremia. Any disorder of the central nervous system, including infections, can trigger it. However, only a few case reports of Lyme meningitis or Lyme neuroborreliosis have been published with a focus on hyponatremia, according to the authors. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in the […]

Man with lyme arthritis rubbing his wrist.
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme arthritis with rheumatoid arthritis leads to poor quality of life

In the study “Assessment of quality of life in patients with Lyme arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis,” Yuskevych and colleagues surveyed 90 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis who were treated at their rheumatology clinic.¹ Nearly 50% of the patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis also tested positive for Lyme disease. Survey results indicated, “The presence of Borrelia burgdorferi [the […]

Woman with bull's eye rash being examined at the hospital.
Lyme Science Blog

Erythema migrans rash doesn’t always have bull’s eye appearance

Several reports have found urticarial, linear, granulomatous, and bullous erythema migrans presentations associated with Lyme disease, as well. And as this case series highlights, “several erythema migrans variants have been reported, which may result in misidentification as well as delayed diagnosis and treatment.”¹ In their article, “Vesiculobullous Lyme disease: A case series,” the authors describe […]

Man taking doxycycline which will only prevent Lyme disease rash.
Lyme Science Blog

Single dose doxycycline for treatment of tick bite only prevents Lyme disease rash

In the article, the authors reference the 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines when making their recommendation that “individuals be treated with a single dose of doxycycline (4 mg/kg in children ≥8 years of age to a maximum 200 mg and 200 mg in adults)”. [1] Their recommendation applies only to patients meeting […]

Lyme Science Blog

When babesiosis turns deadly

The man presented to the emergency department with fatigue, generalized weakness and intermittent subjective fevers. The symptoms had worsened over a 2-week period. The patient also complained of headaches, vision changes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. And had a medical history of type 2 diabetes and intermittent asthma. “He denied any known recent tick or animal […]

Lyme Science Blog

Meningoencephalitis due to Borrelia miyamotoi

A 73-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a 16-day history of confusion and intermittent headaches. He was an avid gardener and reportedly had tick bites in the past but none that he noticed in the weeks prior to his symptoms. Initially, he developed “right-sided facial droop and associated numbness, confusion, and word-finding difficulties,” […]

Lyme Science Blog

Tick bite induces red meat allergy

“The patient reported that a typical episode occurred approximately 5 to 8 hours after the ingestion of a beef product,” wrote the authors. “Symptoms consisted of increased heart rate to 170–180 beats per minute, skin redness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, and shortness of breath.” The man experienced 9 of these episodes over a 4-year period. Each […]

Lyme Science Blog

COVID-19: When Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses may not be considered

The woman presented with fever, myalgias, diarrhea, and a dry cough. The authors discuss the risk of premature closure in such cases. “Premature closure refers to forming a conclusion and stopping the diagnostic assessment too early in the diagnostic process, in which case alternative possibilities may not be explored and the wrong diagnosis may be […]

Lyme Science Blog

Congenital transmission of Babesia, diagnosed in twin at 5 weeks old

The patient was born at 36 5/7 weeks by C-section. At five-weeks-old the newborn presented to the emergency department with pallor, increased lethargy and difficulty feeding. The newborn was “more difficult to arouse and very pale compared to her twin brother,” the mother reported. In additionally, “She was feeding with a similar frequency, however, with […]

Lyme Science Blog

Case series: No complications with Lyme disease and pregnancy

The first confirmed case of LB [Lyme borreliosis] in a pregnant woman was described in 1985 in a 28-year- old mother who was infected with LB in the first trimester and delivered her baby at 35 weeks, the authors explained, based on a paper by Schlesinger et al.² “The mother developed symptoms consistent with LB […]

Lyme Science Blog

Tafenoquine: Treatment for relapsing Babesia

A 36-year-old man was hospitalized in 2019 due to unexplained fevers he had been having for two weeks. He was later diagnosed with Babesia with 8.5% of his blood showing the parasite. He had been diagnosed with granulomatosis with polyangiitis in 2001 and was considered immunocompromised related to treatment 2 years earlier with rituximab, a […]

Lyme Science Blog

Facial nerve dysfunction after treatment for Lyme disease

In their study, Wormser and colleagues found that 6 of the 11 Lyme disease patients (54.5%) suffered from facial nerve dysfunction an average of 13.1 months following the onset of treatment with corticosteroids.¹ 52-year-old man with “tearing of left eye when eating (Bogorad’s syndrome); mild residual weakness left side.” 51-year-old man with “mild residual left […]

Lyme Science Blog

Babesia and Anaplasmosis in a child with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

“A 5-year-old male with National Cancer Institute (NCI) standard risk B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), in remission and receiving standard maintenance chemotherapy, was admitted to another hospital with fever, emesis, diarrhea, headache, and lethargy in July,” wrote Ungar. The child had been diagnosed 32 months earlier with B-ALL and remained in complete remission following induction […]

Lyme Science Blog

Anaplasmosis leading to neurological symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia

According to the authors, the woman experienced a “sudden onset of severe, lancinating headache in the distribution of the fifth cranial nerve bilaterally.”¹ She had been treated for Lyme disease two months earlier following a tick bite and a rash on her torso. She had since been bitten by a non-engorged tick. Her neurologic exam […]