Lyme Science Blog

Lyme Science Blog

Lyme Science Blog

Case review: 80-year-old with Lyme encephalopathy instead of dementia

“While mostly vigilant and awake, he intermittently lacked full orientation, had reduced attention, concentration, short-term memory function, increased motor activity, mild formal thought disorder (incl. some tangential thinking), but no frank psychotic symptoms,” the authors explain. The man was diagnosed with delirium, potentially related to dementia. An abnormal F18-FDG-PET scan was interpreted as consistent with […]

woman with lyme disease and heart problems sitting on bed
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme disease and the heart, when AV block progresses rapidly

Lyme disease can trigger various heart problems, including Lyme carditis, which typically occurs early on in the disease.  “Lyme carditis is an important reversible cause of heart block, especially in endemic areas,” wrote Aljadba et al. in their article, “Lyme carditis manifesting as Wenckebach heart block.”¹ “Prompt recognition of this potentially lethal condition, with appropriate initiation […]

Woman being examined for co-infections with Babesiosis and Lyme disease
Lyme Science Blog

Co-infections Babesiosis and Lyme disease, missed diagnosis can have “dire consequences”

The woman had a three-week history of a fever (maximum temperature, 104 F], chills, nausea, and productive cough of yellow sputum. Six weeks prior to her onset of symptoms, the woman had been vacationing in Connecticut, an area endemic for Lyme disease. She reported having 2 tick bites during the previous year. Her examination and […]

Lyme Science Blog

Top 10 Podcasts for 2021!

1.) Involuntary body movements due to Lyme disease dismissed as psychosomatic A man in his 70’s had an abrupt onset of involuntary body movements, including jerks in his left arm. Doctors initially dismissed him as having a functional disorder. However, his involuntary body movements were due to Lyme disease. 2.) Bannwarth syndrome in early disseminated Lyme […]

Lyme Science Blog

Top 10 Lyme disease blogs for 2021!

1.)  Should Lyme disease patients with an impaired immune system get the COVID-19 vaccine? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted mRNA COVID-19 vaccination considerations for people who have a weakened immune system. “People with HIV and those with weakened immune systems due to other illnesses or medication might be at increased risk […]

Lyme arthritis in children
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme arthritis in children can present throughout the year

The study’s objective was to “evaluate the seasonality of pediatric Lyme disease in three endemic regions in the United States,” writes Sundheim. Participants had been treated at 8 different medical centers throughout the Northeast and UpperMidwest. Of the 690 children with Lyme disease, 77 (11.2%) had a single EM lesion, 247 (35.7%) had early disseminated […]

frustration in lyme disease patient as he talks to doctor
Lyme Science Blog

Points of view: Lyme disease patients and physicians

The authors looked at the perceptions, representations, and experiences of patients who had Lyme disease with nonspecific symptoms and no objective manifestations of the disease. This small study included 12 patients with confirmed and non-confirmed Lyme disease or unexplained symptoms. “Our study highlights that some physicians may also experience a lack of knowledge and information […]

lyme arthritis in children being treated by doctor wrapping knee
Lyme Science Blog

High cost of treating Lyme arthritis in children with surgery

In their article “The Impact of Operative Intervention in Pediatric Lyme Arthritis,” Tout et al. described 149 children admitted to a tertiary care children’s hospital in Pennsylvania who had been diagnosed with Lyme arthritis between 2008 and 2018.¹ All of the children met the CDC case definition, had Lyme arthritis, and were culture negative. The […]

Lyme Science Blog

Case report: Powassan meningoencephalitis

The patient presented to the hospital with fevers, headaches, fatigue, and a history of night sweats, according to the case report, “Powassan Meningoencephalitis: A Case Report Highlighting Diagnosis and Management.” He had a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), Lyme disease, and reactive arthritis. He was not on any medication for Lyme disease or CLL. And […]

Lyme Science Blog

Physician frustration with Lyme disease patients

They found that some physicians are frustrated with Lyme disease (LD) patients. “Providers described challenges and frustrations in counseling patients with strong preconceptions of LD diagnosis and treatment in the context of chronic infection,” the authors wrote. The authors came to this conclusion after a series of focus groups with 14 clinicians from three primary […]

Man being examined with stethescope for mitral valve problems from Lyme carditis.
Lyme Science Blog

Mitral valve dysfunction from Lyme carditis

The 22-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with cardiac problems. He suffered from morbid obesity and  complained of chest pain and lightheadedness for several days. During his examination, he was sweaty with a fast pulse of 115. He also reported having an erythema migrans (EM) rash. Clinicians initially suspected the patient had non-segment elevation […]

Man in hospital bed with co-infections from a tick bite.
Lyme Science Blog

Tick bite leads to multiple co-infections

“Two days after noting this ankle lesion, the patient noticed an erythematous rash on his neck and chest,” the authors explain. He was prescribed an antihistamine and 7-day course of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. The rash resolved after 5 days of antibiotic treatment, but the man continued to have pain and swelling in his ankle.  The pain spread […]

Woman in hospital bed with Bell's palsy due to Lyme disease.
Lyme Science Blog

Bell’s palsy due to Lyme disease misdiagnosed, patient bedridden

Until recently, India has been considered a non-endemic region for Lyme disease, the authors point out. And, “Although it had been considered extremely rare in India, a recent study conducted in Nagarahole and Bandipur in South India surprisingly revealed a high seroprevalence (19.9%) of Borrelia burgdorferi infection in a population at risk (forest workers and […]

man with lyme disease having leg bone examined by doctor
Lyme Science Blog

Can Lyme disease cause bone loss?

In a 2003 case report, “Bone marrow manifestation of Lyme disease (Lyme Borreliosis),” Kvasnicka et al.² describe a 35-year-old man, who presented with fever, night sweats, inguinal lymph node enlargement and splenomegaly. He also exhibited neurologic symptoms including hyperkinesis and ataxia. Based on results from a lumbar puncture, doctors initially suspected the patient had infectious […]

lyme carditis in child being examined by doctor
Lyme Science Blog

Does Lyme carditis differ in children vs. adults?

The authors analyzed charts of pediatric and adult patients with heart block and a positive Western Blot test for Lyme disease, who were hospitalized at Maine Medical Center. The study included 10 children and 20 adults who were admitted for Lyme carditis between January 2010 and December 2018.¹ The children’s mean age was 12.4 years. […]