Contact us at 914-666-4665

Providing hope, compassion

and patient-centered care.
Dr. Daniel Cameron has been treating the most complex cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses for more than 37 years. His comprehensive, one-size doesn’t fit all approach has helped thousands of patients recover. 

New Patient Forms

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As a first-time patient we have made it easy for you by offering health related forms online. Please complete and submit the appropriate form(s) 24 – 48 hours prior to your appointment. Once they are submitted, the forms will automatically be sent to our office.

By using this service your personal health information is protected. You may schedule an appointment once the credit card authorization is completed by calling our office at 914-666-4665. You will not be charged until your office visit.

If you’re not able to fill out the forms online, we’ve included them below. Click the links to download and print these forms at home, where you can complete them at your convenience and email them to or fax to 914-666-6271.

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