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Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Tick Facts

  1. Tick movement

    Ticks do not jump, fly or fall out of trees.
  2. How ticks feed

    Ticks crawl up and prefer to feed in areas where the skin is thin (neck, ears, head region) and it’s easier to access blood. This makes it particularly dangerous for small children, who, because of their height, are closer to the ground and more prone to being bitten in that region.
  3. Temperatures

    Ticks remain active in temperatures near or above freezing.
  4. Can you feel a tick bite?

    You typically cannot feel a tick bite.
  5. Not all ticks carry diseases.

  6. Multiple diseases

    Infected ticks can transmit multiple diseases with the same bite.
  7. Lyme disease transmission

    You can only become infected with Lyme disease through the bite of a blacklegged or deer tick.
  8. Tick attatchment

    Ticks only need to be attached for several hours in order to transmit a disease. However, the risk becomes greater the longer the tick is attached and feeding.
  9. Engorged ticks

    Ticks do not need to be engorged in order to have transmitted a disease.
  10. Ticks and pets

    Ticks crawling on a pet’s fur can be brought into the home and attach to a human.
  11. Embedded ticks

    Ticks do not become embedded under the skin. The mouthpart only pierces the skin.
  12. Where do ticks hide?

    Ticks like to hide in warm, hidden areas of the body (behind the knees, belly button, groin, under arms, behind the ears, neck and head region).
  13. Ticks and rashes

    Tick bites don’t always leave a rash. Less than 50% of patients ever report seeing the classic EM rash.
  14. Different types of rashes

    Different types of rashes can appear. Multiple rashes can occur. A rash does not always appear at the site of the tick bite.
  15. Killing a tick

    Water (such as a shower or washer) will not kill a tick.

More About Lyme Disease

What Is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection typically transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. It is one of the fastest growing infectious diseases in the country, and the steadily increasing number of cases has led many in the medical/scientific community and legislative arena to deem the disease a “public health crisis” and “epidemic”. Learn More
Lyme Disease Symptoms
Lyme disease has been associated with numerous neurologic, rheumatologic and psychiatric manifestations. However, the full range of symptoms needed to recognize the disease may not be apparent to a physician during a routine examination.
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Misdiagnosing Lyme disease
Lyme disease and syphilis have both been coined “the great imitator.” Lyme disease symptoms may be similar to other medical conditions, making diagnosing a challenge. The Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) spirochete is an evasive organism which can penetrate virtually any organ or system in the body.
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