2 results for day: 26/05/2020Not what you're looking for? Search Again

What nesting songbirds tell us about Lyme disease in Canada?

There are Canadian residents who develop Lyme disease without having ever left the country. So, how are they contracting the disease? Researchers have shown that migratory birds can carry ticks into Canada from other regions. But now, a new study reports that nesting songbirds may confirm what Canadians have long believed – Borrelia burgdorferi-infected deer ticks have already established residency in Canada.

Can Bell’s palsy lead to nonflaccid facial palsy in Lyme disease?

Bell’s palsy typically presents as flaccid facial palsy, where one or both sides of the face drops. However, Bell’s palsy can also lead to nonflaccid facial palsy. Lyme disease can cause either flaccid or nonflaccid facial palsy (NFFP).