2 results for day: 29/11/2020Not what you're looking for? Search Again
Brain fog in COVID-19 and Lyme disease patients
COVID-19 patients report having brain fog, as do patients with Lyme disease. Brain fog can be a common symptom following an infection, Marie Grill, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic tells Wired magazine. There are several theories regarding the cause of brain fog, including immune dysfunction, a reaction to a cocktail of medications, changes in blood flow to the brain, and post-traumatic stress.
COVID-19 and Lyme disease symptoms overlap
There are a growing number of COVID-19 symptoms. Many of them, including neurological and psychiatric complications, overlap with symptoms of Lyme disease. Varatharaj and colleagues described neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 in an article published online in Lancet Psychiatry. [1]