2 results for day: 08/04/2021Not what you're looking for? Search Again

Two children ill with both Lyme disease and Mono.

I will be discussing two children ill with both Lyme disease and Mono. This case was described by Koester  and colleagues  in the journal Clinical Medicine & Research.Mono and Lyme disease are common diseases. What happens when child living in an area endemic for Lyme disease has both conditions?These are not the first time patients with both mono and Lyme disease. Koester and colleagues described a study where 52 patients tested positive for Lyme disease and Mono.Koester and colleagues urged caution before dismissing a positive IgM western blot test and run the risk of treatment delays.  Koester TM, Meece JK, Fritsche TR, Frost HM. Infectious ...

Could monoclonal antibodies prevent Lyme disease better than a vaccine?

Researchers say they have had “promising results” in developing a unique method to prevent Lyme disease in humans. It does not involve a vaccine, but rather a process which stimulates the immune system to ward off infections.