3 results for day: 17/12/2023Not what you're looking for? Search Again
Hearing loss – a complication of Lyme disease
There have been reported cases of sudden onset or progressive hearing loss as the primary or sole symptom of Lyme disease. In this case report, investigators describe a patient who suddenly lost hearing in both ears and later tested positive for Lyme disease.
Lyme disease causes heart block within one month of infection
The article entitled “Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block Secondary to Lyme Disease: A Case Report,” by Ivey et al. demonstrates how quickly Lyme disease can disseminate with the infection penetrating the heart and causing complications. [1]
Can pets harbor ticks, even in the winter?
A recent study utilized TickSpotters, a photograph-based crowdsourced surveillance program to identify a variety of tick species found on domestic pets throughout the year. The findings revealed that ticks, although typically thought to pose a health risk in the spring and summer, are present in colder months, including in the winter.