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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron

Case reports: Orbital myositis due to Lyme disease

Orbital myositis is typically caused by systemic disease, such as Grave’s disease, or haematological disorders like lymphomas, the authors explain. In these cases, myositis is often bilateral. It has been reported, as well, as a rare manifestation of Lyme disease. In these two cases, myositis was confirmed by MRI findings. Patient #1: 68-year-old female “The […]

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Lyme carditis presents without typical Lyme disease symptoms

The authors describe a 70-year-old male who presented to the hospital without any typical Lyme disease symptoms, but exhibited generalized symptoms of progressive orthopnea and dyspnea on exertion. The man had a medical history of hypertension and calcific aortic stenosis. His lab results were “significant for an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 136, white blood

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Round bodies, blebs and biofilms in Lyme disease

In an effort to better understand their significance, Corak and colleagues “grew B. burgdorferi spirochete, round body, bleb, and biofilm-dominated cultures and recovered their transcriptomes by RNAseq profiling.” Their non-spirochete morphotypes were induced by simple changes in growth conditions. The authors described three pleomorphic forms as follows: “Spherical B. burgdorferi cells with intact and flexible

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Intravenous antibiotics helpful for PTLDS

In their study “Efficacy and safety of antibiotic therapy for post-Lyme disease? A systematic review and network meta-analysis,” Zhang and colleagues described a meta-analysis review of four Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) addressing Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome.¹ The four randomized controlled trials included 485 subjects who met the following inclusion criteria: Randomized controlled trials Patients with

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What does Borrelia miyamotoi cause?

The authors explain, “Immunocompetent, and otherwise healthy, patients present with milder, flu-like symptoms: fever, fatigue, sleepiness, chills, muscle and joint stiffness, aches and pains, and nausea.” And, “While uncommon, relapses of febrile episodes can occur.” In fact, the symptoms may be mild enough that an individual with Borrelia miyamotoi disease may not seek medical care. However,

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Borrelia miyamotoi can be transmitted from mother ticks to offspring

In their article “Borrelia miyamotoi: A Comprehensive Review. Pathogens,” Cleveland and colleagues discuss Borrelia miyamotoi as an emerging tick-borne pathogen and and how it can be transmitted from a mother tick to their offspring. Cleveland et al. reviewed the proposed vertical transmission of B. miyamotoi.¹ An adult female tick infected with B. miyamotoi lays eggs.

Borrelia miyamotoi can be transmitted from mother ticks to offspring Read More »


Similarities of Long-COVID and Lyme disease in children

The authors explored the current Long-COVID literature, and specifically addressed the cardiovascular, thrombotic and cerebrovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and dysautonomia seen in Long-COVID. The authors did not include Lyme disease in their discussion. “One study found that fatigue, headache, dizziness, dyspnoea, chest pain, dysosmia, dysgeusia, reduced appetite, concentration difficulties,

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Stroke associated with Lyme disease in a 59-year-old man

The study entitled “Ischemic Stroke With Hemorrhagic Conversion in a Case of Lyme Neuroborreliosis” by Sathi and colleagues describes the case of a 59-year-old man who presented to a hospital in Florida with ischemic stroke with aphasia and acute confusion that had been ongoing for two days. The patient had a medical history which included

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