2 results for day: 30/08/2020Not what you're looking for? Search Again

Lyme disease misdiagnosed as shingles in a 62-year-old man

A recent article, published in the journal Clinical Case Reports, describes the case of a 62-year-old man, from Norway, who was initially diagnosed with shingles, a viral infection which produces a painful skin rash with blisters in a localized area on the body. [1] Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is common in older individuals who have had chickenpox.

Six cases of neurological Lyme disease

Clinicians from Mayo Clinic describe 6 cases of neurological Lyme disease in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases. [1] Five of the cases presented with Bannwarth syndrome (BWS), an uncommon manifestation of neurologic Lyme disease.