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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron
A Babesia infection 3 weeks after treatment for Lyme disease.

A Babesia infection 3 weeks after treatment for Lyme disease. An Inside Lyme podcast.

I will discuss a 67-year-old woman with a Babesia infection 3 weeks after treatment for Lyme disease. Could this delay explain why some patients remain ill or relapse. By Dr. Daniel Cameron Hoversten and her colleague first discussed this case in the British Medical Journal Case Reports  in 2018. One would expect that tick-borne infections would […]

A Babesia infection 3 weeks after treatment for Lyme disease. An Inside Lyme podcast. Read More »


Tafenoquine: Treatment for relapsing Babesia

A 36-year-old man was hospitalized in 2019 due to unexplained fevers he had been having for two weeks. He was later diagnosed with Babesia with 8.5% of his blood showing the parasite. He had been diagnosed with granulomatosis with polyangiitis in 2001 and was considered immunocompromised related to treatment 2 years earlier with rituximab, a

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Facial nerve dysfunction after treatment for Lyme disease

In their study, Wormser and colleagues found that 6 of the 11 Lyme disease patients (54.5%) suffered from facial nerve dysfunction an average of 13.1 months following the onset of treatment with corticosteroids.¹ 52-year-old man with “tearing of left eye when eating (Bogorad’s syndrome); mild residual weakness left side.” 51-year-old man with “mild residual left

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Babesia and Anaplasmosis in a child with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

“A 5-year-old male with National Cancer Institute (NCI) standard risk B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), in remission and receiving standard maintenance chemotherapy, was admitted to another hospital with fever, emesis, diarrhea, headache, and lethargy in July,” wrote Ungar. The child had been diagnosed 32 months earlier with B-ALL and remained in complete remission following induction

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Anaplasmosis leading to neurological symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia

According to the authors, the woman experienced a “sudden onset of severe, lancinating headache in the distribution of the fifth cranial nerve bilaterally.”¹ She had been treated for Lyme disease two months earlier following a tick bite and a rash on her torso. She had since been bitten by a non-engorged tick. Her neurologic exam

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Lyme disease with bilateral facial palsy, formally known as Bell’s palsy

Less than 2% of facial palsy cases are bilateral.¹ “Unlike unilateral facial palsy, it is often caused by a serious underlying systemic disease and therefore warrants urgent medical intervention,” wrote Yang and Dalal in their article “Bilateral Facial Palsy: A Clinical Approach.”² “A previously healthy 10-year-old boy presented in late August with a one-day history

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Unilateral knee swelling in a child due to Lyme disease

According to the authors, “The mother initially denied history of a tick bite, yet after focused questioning, the mother stated that the child had ticks on her approximately 9 months ago.” Unfortunately, the child was not taken to her clinician because she did not develop any skin rashes which could indicate Lyme disease. The child

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woman with lyme disease and vertigo sitting and holding head

Lyme disease triggers vertigo and hearing loss

A recently published study by Sowula and colleagues provides further evidence that Lyme disease can trigger vertigo and hearing loss. In their article “Vertigo as one of the symptoms of Lyme disease,” the authors examine the frequency of vertigo symptoms and potential labyrinth damage in patients with diagnosed Lyme disease.4 The study included 38 patients

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Clinicians had difficulties identifying ticks

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron discusses findings from a recent study which examined the proficiency of clinicians at identifying ticks in the northeastern region of the United States. By Dr. Daniel Cameron The study by Laga and colleagues entitled “Proficiency at Tick Identification

Clinicians had difficulties identifying ticks Read More »