Dr. Daniel Cameron’s Facebook Conversations

Lyme Disease Social Conversations:
Facebook Conversations

Conversations on Facebook with a leading Lyme disease expert, Dr. Daniel Cameron, about the latest discoveries and advancements in Lyme disease and associated illnesses.

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1 week ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

October is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Did you know that Lyme disease can cause psychiatric symptoms?

WATCH: Psychiatrist Dr. Brian Fallon shares his thoughts and experiences.
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2 weeks ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Today is PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day.

Did you know that a Borrelia burgdorferi infection (Lyme disease) can trigger an autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder, known as Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, characterized by neurologic and psychiatric symptoms.
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2 weeks ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Pro climber Margo Hayes talks about her years of struggling before getting a Lyme disease diagnosis. ... See MoreSee Less

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4 weeks ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Jennifer Christie Reflects on Lyme Disease Diagnosis | Discovered Her Hidden Writing Secrets
Watch this: youtu.be/hsG7NkZSHR4
Please visit the Book Link: www.jennifercrystal.com/publishedworks
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Jennifer Christie Reflects on Lyme Disease Diagnosis | Discovered Her Hidden Writing Secrets
Watch this: https://youtu.be/hsG7NkZSHR4
Please visit the Book Link: https://www.jennifercrystal.com/publishedworks

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Lucky she can still type after Lyme

An inspiring interview ~ thank you, I’ll pass this on.

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

The patient's symptoms began 1 year after a tick bite. She developed hearing loss in both ears, dizziness, neck pain and stiffness and facial palsy.

Read more: danielcameronmd.com/one-year-after-infection-signs-lyme-meningitis/
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The patients symptoms began 1 year after a tick bite. She developed hearing loss in both ears, dizziness, neck pain and stiffness and facial palsy. 

Read more: https://danielcameronmd.com/one-year-after-infection-signs-lyme-meningitis/

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Los 4 médicos especialistas Españoles dicen que no que el Lyme se cura con 3 semanas de doxiciclina fuera de ahí son incapaces de ver allá de sus narices🤦🏽‍♀️

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Lyme Disease Treatment Secrets Nobody Tells You
Watch this: youtu.be/ObNrksC4jhE
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Lyme Disease Treatment Secrets Nobody Tells You 
Watch this: https://youtu.be/ObNrksC4jhE

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Thank you Dr. Cameron for all you do!

Come on doctor, tell us the truth I have Lyme with multiple co infections in the uk we spend no end of money to be honest , we are doomed , uk seems miles behind ? I thank you for some input, Jason /uk

Yo quiero tecla de traductor español 🙏🏽 somos miles de hispanos que necesitamos ayuda y sabiduría de ud. Dr. Daniel Cameron 🤦🏽‍♀️

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

The Role of Neurotransmitters in Lyme Disease Symptoms
Watch This: youtu.be/pbVXmguw9hA
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The Role of Neurotransmitters in Lyme Disease Symptoms
Watch This: https://youtu.be/pbVXmguw9hA

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It’s a never ending nightmare!!! Post PICC LINE 17 months.

Never stand behind me in a grocery checkout line...lol

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Pets can increase the risk of a tick bite for their owners.

Remember to check your pets for ticks. They can even harbor ticks in the winter!

Read article: danielcameronmd.com/pets-harbor-ticks-in-the-winter/
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Pets can increase the risk of a tick bite for their owners. 

Remember to check your pets for ticks. They can even harbor ticks in the winter! 

Read article: https://danielcameronmd.com/pets-harbor-ticks-in-the-winter/

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I got mine from my dogs I let them sleep with me. I've lost them now to Lyme it was a horrific death for each one. Lyme took them one by one. And you know my story. I've been in remission a year now. I still fight each day I am aware of what goes on when I encounter a contaminated area and I always hold you with the highest respect. Even if you are skeptical about morgellons ...I don't allow my dog to sleep with me anymore ...they can also carry contamination and bugs parasites in on their coats.

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

"we have presented case studies of patients with new clear psychiatric morbidity, sudden agitation, panic attacks, and treatment-resistant depression, all possibly attributed to Bartonella.”

Read article: danielcameronmd.com/bartonella-associated-psychiatric-symptoms/
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1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

How Long Have Deer Ticks Been Around?
Watch this: youtu.be/UeMH6Sr5RW4
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How Long Have Deer Ticks Been Around?
Watch this: https://youtu.be/UeMH6Sr5RW4

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Ticks are bad this year I just sheared my dog and found 4 that had just started feeding and I could not feel. I let my dog sit with dawn about 30 min and kept lathering her up. To keep your dog sheared is the best way to make sure they don't have any. Ticks are small and only as they grow and feed do they get bigger and an engorged tick is normally a deer tick just has been feeding. I smashed 2 of them and the fluid was dark and I suspect that they carried the Lyme disease. Gave her parasite meds for protocol and vaccinated with the Lyme vaccine. Crazy how they can make a vaccine for our dogs and not for us

I remember when they were Ixodes dammini.

too long😀

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

What Doctors Got Wrong About Lyme Disease – The Real Story
Watch this: youtu.be/hMEtrnVESYg
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What Doctors Got Wrong About Lyme Disease – The Real Story
Watch this: https://youtu.be/hMEtrnVESYg

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Great video Dr. Cameron !! Thank you for ALL you do ...

Dr. Daniel Cameron is it possible for Lyme to only cause muscle twitching, weakness, and a small amount of joint pain and burning but with the joint pain and burning being very intermittent and not lasting long. Twitching being the worse all day everyday. I’m so scared rn 😢. Negative on western blot, on Igenex 3 positive band and 1 interminate and Bart of 160 igg.

My first ALS symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.

1 month ago
Dr. Daniel Cameron

Co-Infections of Lyme Disease
Watch this: youtu.be/rLcMnZp2sF4
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Co-Infections of Lyme Disease 
Watch this: https://youtu.be/rLcMnZp2sF4
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