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Covid and Lyme Blog

28-year-old woman with a history of Lyme disease describes side effects following her COVID-19 vaccine – a case discussion

Case A 28-year-old single white Latina woman with a history of a tick bite and erythema migrans rash who contracted Lyme disease while on vacation. She was not able to finish her college degree and was unemployed at the time of the survey. She had a positive IgG Western blot test for Lyme disease and […]

28-year-old woman with a history of Lyme disease describes side effects following her COVID-19 vaccine – a case discussion Read More »

Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in individuals with Lyme disease

COVID-19 vaccine side effects in Lyme disease patients HIGHLIGHTS Question: Some individuals with a history of Lyme disease have expressed concerns that their Lyme disease symptom burden would increase if they were vaccinated for COVID-19. What is the clinical presentation of someone with a history of Lyme disease who has taken the COVID-19 vaccine? Findings:

Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in individuals with Lyme disease Read More »

Experiences of individuals with a history of Lyme disease who contracted COVID-19

HIGHLIGHTS Question: What is the clinical presentation of someone with a history of Lyme disease who have contracted a COVID-19 infection? Findings: This cross-sectional Survey reveals a high symptom burden in 1168 individuals with a history of Lyme Disease. The symptom burden was the highest for the 288 individuals with a history of Lyme disease

Experiences of individuals with a history of Lyme disease who contracted COVID-19 Read More »

A 16-year-old girl and a 28-year-old woman with a history of Lyme disease shared their experiences after contracting COVID-19

Cases of Lyme Disease with COVID-19 Case 1: A 16-year-old girl with a history of a tick bite, erythema migrans rash, Bell’s palsy and a swollen knee. Her Lyme disease test was positive with 5 of 10 IgG Western blot bands. She had been ill for five years. She had also been diagnosed with chronic

A 16-year-old girl and a 28-year-old woman with a history of Lyme disease shared their experiences after contracting COVID-19 Read More »

1st video Lyme without COVID-19

Severity of Lyme disease even without contracting COVID-19 or being vaccinated against COVID-19 findings

HIGHLIGHTS Question: What is the clinical presentation of someone with a history of Lyme disease who has not contracted COVID-19 or taken the COVID-19 vaccine? Findings: This cross-sectional Survey reveals a high symptom burden in 289 individuals with a history of Lyme Disease who had not contracted COVID-19 or taken the COVID-19 vaccine. They had

Severity of Lyme disease even without contracting COVID-19 or being vaccinated against COVID-19 findings Read More »

Dr. Richard Horowitz Lyme Disease

COVID-Lyme disease survey: First findings, a discussion with Dr. Horowitz

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron teams up with Dr. Richard Horowitz to discuss findings from a survey entitled, Burden of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine for individuals with Lyme disease. By Dr. Daniel Cameron Nearly 800 people (n=782) participated in the survey. 84%

COVID-Lyme disease survey: First findings, a discussion with Dr. Horowitz Read More »


Increase in tick bites during COVID-19 pandemic

“The data suggested that individuals were more likely to spend time outside, more likely to visit the CDC website describing tick bite removal, were less likely to visit an ER, and tested for Lyme disease,” according to the authors.¹ Approximately 50% of U.S. residents spent more time outdoors in 2020 than in 2019, but fewer

Increase in tick bites during COVID-19 pandemic Read More »

Lyme disease and COVID-19 Survey for children

I discuss Lyme disease and COVID-19 in children.  I would appreciate your help in having you child share their experience with Lyme disease  during this pandemic even if they have not had COVID-19 or taken the COVID-19 vaccine.    Here is the link to the Lyme disease and COVID-19 vaccine You can hear more

Lyme disease and COVID-19 Survey for children Read More »


POTS symptoms in COVID-19 patients

POTS symptoms have been identified in a group of patients following COVID-19. POTS typically occurs “after viral or bacterial infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus, influenza, and Borrelia burgdorferi infection, [the causative agent of Lyme disease],” explains Blitshteyn and Whitelaw. Or, they add, it can be triggered by surgery, pregnancy, or a concussion. The patients evaluated at

POTS symptoms in COVID-19 patients Read More »