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Lyme Science Blog

Case report: Lyme neuroborreliosis triggers multiple strokes

In their article, “A case report of unilateral cerebral vasculitis in adults: keep in mind Lyme neuroborreliosis,” Riescher and colleagues examine the case of a 58-year-old man “with recurrent strokes in the same vascular territory without CSF pleocytosis, reflecting an unusual first manifestation of [Lyme neuroborreliosis].”¹ The authors point out that cerebral vasculitis is reported […]

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Man in hospital bed with neurologic symptoms from Babesia.

Neurologic complications of Babesia

In their study, “Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis,” the authors “sought to describe the type and frequency of neurologic complications of babesiosis in a group of hospitalized patients and assess risk factors that might predispose patients to neurologic complications.” They examined the medical records of 163 patients admitted to Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut

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young woman in hospital with lyme disease and covid symptoms

Case study: Lyme disease in patient with Long COVID

The authors cited the World Health Organizations definition of Long COVID as follows: definition of Post COVID-19 – “Post COVID-19 condition occurs in individuals with a history of probable or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection, usually 3 months from the onset of COVID-19 with symptoms that last for at least 2 months and cannot be explained

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Investigators question the term “Australian Lyme”

The authors looked at patients admitted to their infectious disease clinic in Australia between 2014 – 2020. “Patients were included if they had debilitating symptoms suggested by either themselves or the referring clinician as being attributed to ticks.” They acknowledged that there are ill patients who have been seen at their infectious disease clinic who

Investigators question the term “Australian Lyme” Read More »

Woman examining tick bite on young girl's leg.

What parts of the body do ticks prefer to bite?

In their study, “Human attachment site preferences of ticks parasitizing in New York,” Hart and colleagues describe which body parts black-legged and lone star ticks prefer to bite.¹ They collected ticks, submitted between April and December 2020 from individuals living in New York State, along with online questionnaires indicating where the tick was attached. They

What parts of the body do ticks prefer to bite? Read More »

Man with Lyme disease affecting his brain is holding his head.

Does Lyme disease affect the brain?

In their article entitled “Common Neurologic Features of Lyme Disease That May Present to a Rheumatologist,” Govil et al. describe the various ways that Lyme disease can affect the brain. The authors hope to make rheumatologists aware of the most common neurologic presentations of Lyme disease.1 It is particularly important, the authors write, for rheumatologists

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elderly woman with lyme encephalitis laying in hospital bed

Abnormal MRI leads to Lyme encephalitis diagnosis

In their article “Lyme neuroborreliosis with encephalitis: A rare case,” Rosendahl and colleagues describe a 74-year-old immunocompromised woman, who was admitted to the hospital with confusion, paranoid delusions, weight loss, back pains, and a history of fever and vomiting suspect of cancer and infection of unknown origin.¹ The woman had been hospitalized 4 times over

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Man with a Borrelia infection checking thermometer reading.

Borrelia miyamotoi infection: An emerging tick-borne disease in California

“Although B. miyamotoi has been identified in ticks in California for more than 20 years, locally acquired human cases within the western United States have not been described [in the literature],” according to Rubio et al. In this case report, the authors describe an immunocompromised man living in California diagnosed with Borrelia miyamotoi infection.¹ The

Borrelia miyamotoi infection: An emerging tick-borne disease in California Read More »

Lyme disease patient receiving IV SOT treatment.

Is SOT an effective treatment for Lyme disease?

In their article “Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT) as a Potential Treatment for Viral Infections and Lyme Disease: Preliminary Results,” Apostolou and colleagues describe findings from a study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of SOT in 115 patients with either Epstein–Barr (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus or Lyme Disease.¹ Oligonucleotide was administered intravenously to the participants and

Is SOT an effective treatment for Lyme disease? Read More »