Lyme Science Blog

Lyme Science Blog

Lyme disease presentation in man from Germany holding his hands over his face.
Lyme Science Blog

Clinical presentation of Lyme disease in patients living in Germany

The authors collected data via an online questionnaire from 252 Lyme disease patients and a control group of 267 healthy individuals living in Germany to examine the clinical presentation, including neuropsychiatric and psychological symptoms. The findings revealed that “Lyme disease can cause diverse psychological and neuropsychiatric symptoms. These include limitations in quality of life, sleep, […]

Sad woman with Lyme disease and lewy body dementia looking out the window.
Lyme Science Blog

Autopsy finds Lyme disease spirochetes in patient with Lewy body dementia

In a recent study entitled “Detecting Borrelia Spirochetes: A Case Study With Validation Among Autopsy Specimens,” researchers describe a woman with Lyme disease who was later diagnosed with Lewy body dementia.² Lyme disease diagnosed at age 54 At age 54, the woman was diagnosed with Lyme disease based upon a well-documented erythema migrans rash, along […]

What is Borrelia miyamotoi
Lyme Science Blog

What is Borrelia miyamotoi?

Borrelia miyamotoi (B. miyamotoi) was first reported in the United States in 2013 but has become increasingly more common. The tick-borne illness can be transmitted by the same tick that carries Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease pathogen. In their article, Della-Giustina and colleagues² address the question, “What is Borrelia miyamotoi?” and concerns surrounding this growing […]

Woman with untreated Babesia infection holding her head.
Lyme Science Blog

The case of an untreated Babesia infection

In his article, Wormser discusses the case of a 61-year-old woman who went untreated for a Babesia infection, despite positive test results. The patient, who lives in Westchester, NY, a highly endemic area for Lyme disease, reportedly removed an unidentified tick from her left wrist at the end of March 2020, wrote Wormser. In June, […]

Babesia odocoilei in woman holding her head
Lyme Science Blog

First report: Babesia odocoilei causes babesiosis in humans

Babesia odocoilei has been identified in two individuals based on PCR testing and DNA sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene, writes Scott and colleagues in the study “Detection of Babesia odocoilei in Humans with Babesiosis Symptoms.” ¹ According to the authors, “the same two human subjects had the hallmark symptoms of human Babesiosis, including night […]

doctor examine boy with Lyme disease in the eye
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme disease associated with eye problems

In their article, “Contrast Sensitivity Loss in Patients With Posttreatment Lyme Disease,” Rebman and colleagues report that Lyme disease can cause eye problems, specifically a loss in contrast sensitivity.¹ Contrast sensitivity (CS) is most important when the contrast between objects and their background often is reduced such as low light, fog or glare. For example, […]

woman with lyme disease infection holding her head
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme disease: a persistent infection

There are multiple studies indicating that Lyme disease can result in a persistent infection, causing chronic symptoms that may require treatment with extended courses of antibiotics. The National Institute of Health (NIH) conducted three Lyme disease trials, which validated the existence and severity of chronic manifestations of Lyme disease.2-4  The study’s patients were ill for […]

Lyme Science Blog

Babesia symptoms can be deadly: a family’s story

Babesia symptoms can be wide-ranging and difficult to recognize by clinicians and a missed or delayed diagnosis can be deadly. In hopes of raising awareness, one family shares their story of a Babesia diagnosis that came just a little too late. Jeff, a 51-year-old husband and father, was hospitalized with symptoms of jaundice, agitation and […]

patient with a lyme carditis diagnosis being examined in the hospital room
Lyme Science Blog

Lyme carditis diagnosis during a COVID-19 quarantine

A 42-year-old man from New York City received a Lyme carditis diagnosis after quarantining in upstate New York during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case is discussed in the article “A curious case of Lyme carditis in an urban hospital,” by Brissett et al. 1 “Lyme carditis was a surprise diagnosis in our hospital due to the […]

what is powassan virus
Lyme Science Blog

What is the Powassan virus?

In their article “Underrecognized Tickborne Illnesses: Borrelia Miyamotoi and Powassan Virus,”  Della-Giustina et al. explain what is the Powassan virus and why it’s raising concerns.  “We chose to review the Powassan virus because it only requires 15 min. of tick attachment for transmission, and the sequelae of the neurologic disease are devastating, in addition to […]

elderly man with Lyme disease and autoimmune disease taking his temperature
Lyme Science Blog

Can Lyme disease trigger an autoimmune disease?

Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is often thought to be an autoimmune disease, but is, in fact, a systemic auto-inflammatory condition, believed to be caused by an over-reactive immune response to an infection, such as Lyme disease. As Cimmino points out, both diseases share several clinical characteristics.¹ Still’s disease can cause “a triad of high fever, […]

examing lung x-ray of man with sarcoidosis and Lyme disease
Lyme Science Blog

Sarcoidosis triggered by Lyme disease

According to the American Lung Association, an “infection or exposure to something in the environment can trigger the immune system to overreact,” resulting in sarcoidosis.¹ In a 2018 study, van Dee and colleagues suggest that Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease bacterium, may be one of those infectious pathogens capable of triggering sarcoidosis. ² Their study […]

Lyme Science Blog

Preventing tick bites on a child proves challenging

A study published in April 2021 looked at the frequency of emergency room visits due to tick bites. The authors examined “ED tick bite visits during January 2017-December 2019 by sex, age group, U.S. region, and seasonality,” writes Marx et al. [2] Their findings revealed that tick bites on a child under the age of […]

Child with Powassan virus and encephalitis getting temperature taken
Lyme Science Blog

Can Powassan virus cause encephalitis or other neurologic damage?

The Powassan virus (POWV) can be transmitted in as little as 15 minutes and is spread primarily through the bite of an infected deer tick. There is no treatment for the Powassan virus, yet it can cause devastating neurologic damage including encephalitis, meningitis or even death. “About 15% of patients who are infected and have […]

Lyme Science Blog

How long does it take to get Lyme disease?

A study by Eisen and colleagues addressed a frequently asked question: “How long does it take to get Lyme disease?” According to their findings,  the probability of an individual becoming infected with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the pathogen which causes Lyme disease, increases the longer the tick is attached. [1] Researchers found the risk increases: Approximately […]