What does a Lyme flare-up feel like? Ask the Lyme Doc.

What does a Lyme flare-up feel like

Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that can lead to unpredictable disease flare-ups and remissions. The best know flare-up is called a Herxheimer reaction. A Herxheimer reaction was first identified in patients with syphilis and occurs when the body reacts to endotoxin-like products released by the death of bacteria in the body after starting an antibiotic. A flare-up may occur following a trigger or as part of the illness.

When a Lyme disease flare occurs, patients will notice a return of the symptoms they have experienced before or a worsening of existing symptoms. Some patients may also develop new symptoms. A flare-up can come and go and vary in intensity.  What does a Lyme flare-up feel like? The symptoms of a flare-up can include:

  • an increase in fatigue
  • problems with memory and concentration, sometimes referred to as ‘brain fog’
  • extreme sensitivity to bright lights, heat, cold, and noise
  • muscle stiffness
  • mood changes (including irritability)
  • poor quality sleep
  • dizziness
  • numbness or tingling in hands and feet
  • widespread muscle pain
  • blurred vision
  • general body pain

What triggers a flare-up?

One of the best ways to prevent a flare is to determine what might be causing it in the first place. These causes are called triggers. Triggers for Lyme disease vary by person, but they can include:

  • emotional stress (such as a divorce, death in the family, or accidents)
  • physical stress to the body (i.e., surgery, physical harm, concussion)
  • life stress or stressful events
  • infections, colds or viral illnesses
  • exhaustion
  • diets including processed sugars and alcohol
  • menstrual period
  • lack of sleep
  • traveling and/or changes in schedule
  • changes in treatment

How do you prevent a flare-up?

There are ways to help prevent a flare-up but most importantly, patients need to listen to their bodies and identify triggers that set off a flare in symptoms. Following are several ways to prevent a flare-up:

  • Treat your Lyme disease
  • Reduce your stress
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Stay away from foods that make you feel worse, including alcohol and processed sugars
  • Learn to pace yourself to avoid doing too much when you are feeling well
  • Keep up your health
  • Stay hydrated
  • Work with your doctor to get your symptoms under control
  • Some people find ‘positive thinking’ helpful
  • Try focusing on the things you can do, rather than those you can’t
  • You might find a mental health provider helpful

Editor’s note. What does a Lyme flare-up feel like?  Ask the Lyme doc sponsored by Dr. Cameron


229 Replies to "What does a Lyme flare-up feel like? Ask the Lyme Doc."

  • Diana Darcy
    02/18/2023 (8:56 pm)

    Has any one gotten histamine intolerance from Lyme?

  • Diana Darcy
    02/18/2023 (8:49 pm)

    I got sick with a virus and ended up with severe joint pain.. unfortunately I had kaiser at the time and they did some routine tests that showed up negative. They wouldn’t refer me to Stanford or another specialty doctor. Fast forward 7 years and I no longer have Kaiser and have been diagnosed by a functional medicine doctor as Lyme. He had to do a lot of non traditional blood tests. Im sure a lot of damage has been done in those 7 years.

    • Dr. Daniel Cameron
      02/19/2023 (9:39 am)

      I always encourage my patients to include an antibiotic as part of the approach.

  • Diana Darcy
    02/18/2023 (8:41 pm)

    Accupuncture has really helped with the pain but you have to find someone who knows what they are doing. I find Chinese accupuncture works the best.
    And you should feel a lot of energy in your body during sessions.

  • Tammy
    12/18/2022 (2:05 pm)

    How do to prevent Lyme flare when in a stressful situation that you can not help? And why is it that when you go through a stressful situation it’s seems days or weeks later the flare starts?

  • Camille
    12/12/2022 (1:08 pm)

    I am so grateful for this conversation!
    I had the Covid vaccine and Flu vaccine compounded by exposure to a virus two months ago.
    I have had all the symptoms of Lyme flareup but did not realize it could be that. I was treated by Dr. Cameron and Dr. Phillips years ago.
    I am now living in Seattle…..not sure if I should restart Doxy.
    Any info would help. There are no Lyme specialists in the Seattle area.

    • Dr. Daniel Cameron
      12/14/2022 (7:10 am)

      I am sorry to hear you are having problems again. You may find doctors in your area through networking with other doctors or checking directors including Global Lyme Alliance and LymeDisease.org

    • Michelle
      12/14/2022 (12:20 pm)

      Dr Susan Marra

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