5 results for day: 05/02/2018Not what you're looking for? Search Again

Another cardiac manifestation of Lyme myocarditis

The list of cardiac complications from Lyme disease continues to grow. Now, you can add another manifestation to the list -- isolated left bundle branch block (LBBB), according to Cunha from the Infectious Disease Division at Winthrop-University Hospital. [1]

When Lyme disease mimics a heart attack

Lyme disease has earned a reputation as the great imitator, because its symptoms can mimic many other illnesses. In a case report, presented by Gilson and colleagues from Easton Hospital in Pennsylvania, a 45-year-old woman was believed to be suffering from a heart attack when, in fact, her symptoms were due to Lyme disease. [1]

What are the symptoms of Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome?

Doctors have known for years that they cannot rely on a physical exam to diagnose early Lyme disease unless they find an erythema migrans rash, Bell’s palsy, or heart block. Now, Rebman and colleagues from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine acknowledge that doctors also cannot count on a physical exam to diagnose Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). [1]

Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome is a serious problem

More than 300,000 people contract Lyme disease in the USA every year with many continuing to suffer from long-term illness. In some cases, those persistent symptoms have been dismissed by physicians as being psychosomatic, or caused by something other than Lyme disease. But now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine acknowledge the existence of what is called Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS).

6-year-old girl with a rare cutaneous presentation of Lyme disease

The authors of a case report published in Pediatric Dermatology discuss a rare cutaneous presentation of Lyme disease in a young child. “We report the case of a girl who was clinically diagnosed with Lyme disease based on her history of recent travel and the appearance of an areolar lymphocytoma; this was confirmed by testing,” writes Ogimi from the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital. [1]