4 Intro to Lyme Disease Videos

Dr. Cameron’s book “An Expert’s Guide to Navigating Lyme disease” includes four brief videos that are an ideal start for anyone newly diagnosed with Lyme disease or a tick-borne co-infection. A patient’s family and friends may also find these videos helpful. You can view the videos by downloaded the pdf or view the videos below directly. You are encouraged to leave your comments below.

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  • COMMENTS – Q and A with Dr. Daniel Cameron


1 Reply to "Book discussion 4 intro Lyme disease videos"

  • betty gordon
    02/14/2023 (1:21 am)

    please use BLACK TEXT on white foreground.

    white text on white background does NOT show up at all!!

    also do not flip pages in symptoms/treatment as each line goes either black or white; text is ILLEGIBLE.

    woman’s voice is very easy to listen to; thanks dan 😉

    happy valentine’s day 2023 today to all reading this.

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