Research Study Request

Over nearly 30 years, Dr. Daniel Cameron and Associates, research and practice, has developed one of the largest and most comprehensive Lyme and tick-borne disease practices in the world having treated more than 25,000 affected individuals.

To stay on the leading edge, the practice operates a clinical research unit. Trials are led by Dr. Cameron, an internist and epidemiologist, who has experience as a principle investigator in the tick-borne disease field and as sub-investigator for leading pharmaceutical companies. Our facility has supported a disease registry, clinical trials, and evaluations of diagnostic tests across the full spectrum of Lyme disease manifestations.

If you have a potential research project or are interested in supporting our research financially, please fill out the form below.

Request To Participate: Research Study

  • Please indicate your professional title, such as MD, ND, PhD
  • Please tell us a bit about your research project.
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Overview of Lyme Disease Research

Overview of LDPR

In addition to his writing and clinical work, Dr. Cameron conducts epidemiological research through the Lyme Disease Practice & Research (LDPR) center, located at his private practice in Mount Kisco, New York …more  

LDPR Clinical Trials

LDPR Clinical Trials

Dr. Daniel Cameron, an internist and epidemiologist, has been actively involved in clinical research as a principle investigator in the tick-borne illness field and as a sub-investigator for leading pharmaceutical companies. Several of his key research projects are listed below more  

Lyme Disease Published Papers

Published Papers

Dr. Daniel Cameron has published more than 30 scientific papers, covering a range of topics in the tick-borne disease field. Many papers have been featured in lectures in the United States, Europe and Canada …more