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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron

Lyme disease myths lead to frustrations for doctors

Doctors have also shared their frustration in a survey taken by Dr. Lynora Saxinger, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor at the University of Alberta’s medical school. Lyme disease myths may lead to frustrations for doctors. The survey reported that “30% [of doctors] said they have been pressured to give antibiotics and almost 90% […]

Lyme disease myths lead to frustrations for doctors Read More »

Patients can die when Lyme carditis is not treated

Lyme disease can lead to acute and chronic illness. But deaths from Lyme disease can occur. “Death can occur when Lyme carditis is untreated,” wrote Marx, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the Annuals of Internal Medicine. “Before this report, only 9 fatal cases were reported in the literature.” Case 1:

Patients can die when Lyme carditis is not treated Read More »

Bannwarth syndrome and weight loss – an atypical case

Bannwarth syndrome is typically seen in Europe. However, in 2017 doctors from Mayo Clinic described 5 patients with the disease living in Minnesota and Wisconsin. All of the patients presented with peripheral neuropathy. Now, a 2019 case report by Diaz ¹  describes a 60-year-old man from the United States with a variant Bannwarth syndrome. The man

Bannwarth syndrome and weight loss – an atypical case Read More »

Treatment guidelines for Lyme disease strike out. An editorial.

There is growing evidence supporting the existence and severity of chronic manifestations of Lyme disease despite recent treatment guidelines for Lyme disease. Studies have found that at least 1 in 3 patients treated for Lyme disease remained ill years after treatment. Furthermore, 4 clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Medicine (NIH) documented the

Treatment guidelines for Lyme disease strike out. An editorial. Read More »

Study identifies189 children with Lyme carditis

In their article addressing the heart and Lyme disease “Increasing Burden of Lyme Carditis in United States Children’s Hospitals,” Beach et al.¹ reveal the rise in Lyme carditis cases throughout the U.S. The largest increases, they write, were found in the Midwest, including the Ohio valley. According to the authors, the children with Lyme carditis

Study identifies189 children with Lyme carditis Read More »

C6 peptide test may indicate Borrelia miyamotoi infection

Koetsveld and colleagues examined C6 reactivity in sera from both mice infected with Borrelia miyamotoi and from 46 patients with PCR-positive Borrelia miyamotoi disease (BMD). Their results support the use of the C6 peptide test used for for Lyme disease as an indication of borrelia miyamotoi test They found, “Cross-reactivity against the C6-peptide was confirmed

C6 peptide test may indicate Borrelia miyamotoi infection Read More »

Treatment of Lyme arthritis with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD)

Antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are intended to slow down disease progression. Synthetic DMARDs include methotrexate and sulfasalazine. Biological DMARDs include the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), blockers infliximab (Remicade®), interleukin 1 blockers anakinra (Kineret®), and monoclonal antibodies against B cells (such as rituximab) and the T cell costimulation blocker abatacept (ORENCIA®). The article addressed the factors

Treatment of Lyme arthritis with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD) Read More »