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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron
hiking, clothing

How effective is Permethrin-treated clothing in preventing tick bites?

Now, a new study by Connally and colleagues examines the effectiveness of treated clothing after it is worn and washed/dried. [2] Does this impact the contact irritancy and toxicity against Ixodes scapularis nymphs? The investigators forced blacklegged ticks to be in contact with Permethrin-treated clothing for 30 to 120 seconds. They then monitored the ticks’ […]

How effective is Permethrin-treated clothing in preventing tick bites? Read More »

Knee pain, joints, knees

Lyme disease mimics prosthetic joint infection following knee replacement

The 83-year-old man, from Pennsylvania, was admitted to the hospital, reporting pain in his knee, erythema and fever for 3 days. Upon examination, physicians noted he had “a moderate effusion and limited range of motion,” explains Collins. The patient had a total knee replacement, involving the same knee, 6 years earlier. Culture tests were negative

Lyme disease mimics prosthetic joint infection following knee replacement Read More »

hospital, holding hands, sick patient

Delayed onset of Babesia highlights importance of follow-up visits

Doctors diagnosed and treated a 67-year-old woman for early Lyme disease with a 21-day course of amoxicillin after she presented with an erythema migrans rash. (The woman was allergic to doxycycline.) Near the end of her treatment, the woman developed fevers (102.92°F), myalgias, dizziness, and fatigue. Due to concerns that she may be septic or have an

Delayed onset of Babesia highlights importance of follow-up visits Read More »

tired, sleeping, fatigue

Don’t be misled: patients can have both mono and Lyme disease

These conditions are typically thought to occur separately with several published reports describing each illness as mimicking the other. But a new article by Koester and colleagues details the first cases of acute Lyme and EBV infections reportedly occurring concurrently. “We describe the clinical presentation of two children with confirmed early Lyme disease and features

Don’t be misled: patients can have both mono and Lyme disease Read More »

park, recreational area, urban area

Infected ticks prevalent in urban areas in the United Kingdom (UK)

A recent article, “Assessment of the Public Health Threats Posed by Vector-Borne Disease in the United Kingdom,” by Medlock and colleagues explores the growing concern Lyme disease poses to residents in the UK. [1] “There has been an increase in the numbers of reported human cases of Lyme disease,” writes Medlock in the International Journal

Infected ticks prevalent in urban areas in the United Kingdom (UK) Read More »

pills, antibiotics, medication

First-line combination therapy for tick-borne illnesses

Typically, doxycycline is the go-to antibiotic for practitioners. It has become the favorite first-line drug for treating tick-borne illnesses. But, it’s not effective for all tick-related diseases such as Babesia. In these instances, a combination of antibiotics and/or anti-viral medications may be required. In a recent article, published in The Nurse Practitioner, Paparone discusses the

First-line combination therapy for tick-borne illnesses Read More »


Can we avoid using a pacemaker for Lyme carditis with high-degree AV block?

Identifying patients with high-degree AV block caused by Lyme carditis is imperative “to prevent the inherent risks of pacemaker implantation, such as periprocedural infections, lead dislodgement, and erosions,” the author writes. Recognizing these patients is particularly important given that Lyme carditis often impacts younger individuals, who may be at a greater risk of experiencing complications

Can we avoid using a pacemaker for Lyme carditis with high-degree AV block? Read More »

airport, plane, travelers

Lyme disease remains a threat to international travelers to the US

“Despite being a top international tourist destination, few sources describe the spectrum of infectious diseases acquired among travellers to the USA,” writes Stoney in the Journal Travel Medicine. [1] Stoney, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and colleagues analyzed travel history and clinical diagnoses for non-US-resident travellers who visited GeoSentinel clinics between

Lyme disease remains a threat to international travelers to the US Read More »