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Lyme Science Blog

Lyme disease can lead to long-term sequelae

The Canadian authors point out that in their country alone the number of Lyme disease cases has increased 14-fold over an 8 year period (2009-2017). They reviewed studies published between 1994 and 2019 to assess the extent of long-term sequelae due to Lyme disease. Based on eligibility criteria, 21 studies were included in the analysis, […]

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Lyme disease case definition misused. Perspective.

“Many physicians will mistakenly defer to the CDC’s Lyme disease case definition in making a diagnosis. These clinicians require that patients meet this strict and narrow criteria in order to be diagnosed with the disease.” [2] “However, this definition was designed as a surveillance monitoring tool to track the number of Lyme disease cases throughout

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sick man on couch with chronic lyme disease

What is “chronic Lyme disease”?

Shor and colleagues identified a broad range of symptoms, signs, and conditions present in acute and chronic Lyme disease patients regardless of whether or not they received treatment.All of the cases referenced by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) working group had been diagnosed with Lyme disease based upon direct laboratory evidence of

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lyme in the south

4 children infected with Lyme disease in the south from one camp

The number of tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, has been steadily rising in the South as tick populations expand into new territories. One study reports, “The trends in these data paint a clear picture of southward expansion of Lyme disease.” As a result, communities once considered non-endemic for Lyme disease will be at risk, including

4 children infected with Lyme disease in the south from one camp Read More »

woman with Lyme disease symptoms long term has headacheding her head

Causes of long term Lyme disease symptoms

Long term lyme disease symptoms are all to common. According to one study, at their six-month follow-up visit, “36% of patients reported new-onset fatigue, 20% widespread pain, and 45% neurocognitive difficulties.” [3] So, how could Lyme disease symptoms persist long term? There have been many theories, including recent findings that suggest persistent symptoms may be

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man hiking in shorts along lake

Lack of knowledge about Lyme disease in Canada

Researchers surveyed 137 participants from 11 professional and recreational organizations across New Brunswick between December 2018 and February 2019 to better understand Lyme disease in canada. Thirty-six percent of the participants spent time outdoors for their occupation and 64% for recreational activities. Only one of the participants had been previously diagnosed with Lyme disease in

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Lyme literate doctor holding hands with patient.

What is a Lyme literate doctor?

In the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines, Wormser and colleagues initially dismissed Lyme disease symptoms as nothing more than the aches and pains of daily living.[2] A Lyme literate doctor would disagree. That conclusion, however, has been undermined by findings from clinical trials, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which report

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man sick with babesia infection

Babesia infections explode in Hudson Valley, NY

In their article “Increasing incidence and changing epidemiology of babesiosis in the Hudson Valley region of New York State: 2009-2016,” ¹ Joseph and colleagues question how cases of Babesia infections are spreading given that the animal reservoirs mice, shrews, and voles typically do not travel large distances. Cases of Babesia have been reported in two counties

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