Borrelia antibodies found in patients with coronary heart disease

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, can be associated with cardiovascular complications. This is known as Lyme carditis, and occurs when the spirochete bacteria penetrate the heart tissue. The infection can lead to heart block and other complications, as it disrupts the heart’s electrical signals.

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Lyme disease triggers autoimmune disease – Lupus

An increasing number of studies indicate that Lyme disease may ignite an autoimmune reaction in some individuals or symptoms may mimic an autoimmune disease.

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Young adults most at-risk for Lyme carditis

Cardiac involvement is a rare complication of Lyme disease. But it is estimated that up to 10% of patients in the U.S. with untreated Lyme disease go on to develop Lyme carditis, according to the authors of a recent study. And, young adults are most at-risk.

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Vision problems in patient with Lyme disease and giant cell arteritis

Acute vision loss presents as a common clinical manifestation with diverse underlying causes, including demyelinating diseases, neoplastic processes, autoimmune disorders, and infectious conditions, explains Wan et al.

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Inside look at Lyme disease in Canada

A recent study examines the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Lyme disease cases in Canada. The study included 4,701 individuals residing in seven provinces in Canada. Participants had been diagnosed with Lyme disease (LD) between 2009-2019. The median age was 53 years and nearly 57% were male.

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ALS and MS suspected in woman later diagnosed with Bartonella and Lyme disease

After developing multiple neurologic symptoms following a spider bite, a woman tests positive for Bartonella. Yet, her symptoms are attributed to possible multiple sclerosis (MS) or ALS. Just prior to having hip surgery, additional tests confirm that she is positive not only for Bartonella, but for Lyme disease, as well.

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Pregnancy

In their article “Atypical Presentation of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Pregnancy,” Wu and colleagues present the case of a patient in her third trimester who was treated successfully with doxycycline for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. [1]

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Babesia infection triggers autoimmune blood cell disorder

In this case report, investigators describe a 75-year-old man who developed autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) secondary to Babesia.

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Atypical presentation of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a potentially deadly tick-borne disease which can progress rapidly. An early diagnosis is imperative, since administering treatment within the first 5 days of illness can significantly reduce disease severity and likelihood of fatality, according to Hussain et al.

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Top 10 Lyme disease blogs for 2023!

Below are the most popular Lyme disease blogs for 2023! Readers were interested in a range of topics, everything from how to kill a tick on your clothes to the duration of time it takes to get Lyme disease to the various presentations of a Lyme rash. Please click on the headline to view the full blog post.

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