Why are doctors reluctant to treat Lyme disease?

Doctor treating lyme disease in female patient.

It can be extremely challenging for patients to locate a physician who is trained in treating Lyme disease or even, willing to treat the illness. So, why all the reluctance by clinicians?

Findings from a study by Johnson and Maloney, “Access to Care in Lyme Disease: Clinician Barriers to Providing Care,” provide some insight into why clinicians may be hesitant in treating Lyme disease.¹

“The primary goal of this study was to identify the challenges faced by clinicians who provide care for patients with PLD/CLD,” the authors wrote. And, in so doing, may identify potential solutions that assist with recruiting and retaining more clinicians in treating Lyme disease.

The authors surveyed 155 clinicians from 30 states in the U.S. who treat patients with post-Lyme disease/Chronic Lyme disease (PLD/CLD).

Clinicians reported that the barriers to providing care included: complexity of care (79%), cognitive impairment of patients (57%), and frequent calls from these patients between their scheduled appointments (49%).

The authors included comments by clinicians which addressed several of these issues.

Complexity of Care

“Lyme disease is the hardest diagnosis I treat as each patient responds so differently to therapy, it is hard to know where to start with each one, what will work, what will make them worse, etc. Some just never seem to get better no matter what I do. It is gratifying to see others improve.”

“I think the most difficult problem is the cost of providing this amount of complex care on a cash basis. To really review hundreds of records, spend time with the patient and do a proper workup, takes hours. I’d like to see more support for patients and clinicians who chose to help this set of patients.”

Exclusion from Insurance Networks

“I knew that at some point I would be forced to stop taking insurance and move forward on a cash pay only basis. Looking at the numbers, taking commercial insurance for these patients just doesn’t make any sense. I believe the main issue that causes many of these patients to be without access to care is the amount they need to spend on their practitioners plus the out-of-pocket cost for out of network testing, labs and treatment. For most of these patients that it is anywhere from $10 to $20K per year. It is a heavy burden”

Stigmatized or Disrespected by Colleagues

“Three-quarters of respondents report having been stigmatized or treated disrespectfully by professional colleagues because they treat Lyme disease,” wrote the authors.

3 out of 4 doctors treating patients with post-Lyme disease/chronic Lyme disease report being stigmatized or treated disrespectfully by colleagues.

This was demonstrated in several ways: 1) lack of professional support from colleagues, 2) opposition to treatment of PLD/CLD from some physician organizations, 3) limited ability to share office and practice burdens with colleagues and 4) being excluded from participating in insurance networks.

“While my patients are generally very supportive, some of my colleagues have stopped speaking to me and I worry about the medico-legal repercussions of what I do.”

Physicians Reprimanded by Regulatory Organizations

“Nearly 4 in 10 physicians (39%) reported having been reported to a medical board, an insurer, or subjected to a hospital-based quality improvement inquiry,” wrote the authors.

With the number of cases of Lyme disease growing, the demand for doctors treating post-Lyme disease/Chronic Lyme disease will continue to increase. In an effort to recruit and retain clinicians willing to treat Lyme disease patients, the authors suggest:

  1. Improving clinician education regarding PLD/CLD to emphasize the uncertainty that exists regarding its pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment along with the existence of divergent approaches to care.
  2. Setting a more professional tone towards treating clinicians to reduce stigma, marginalization, and regulatory burdens.
  3. Promoting innovative insurance reimbursement models that account for the complexity of care and time commitment necessary to provide care.


  1. Johnson LB, Maloney EL. Access to Care in Lyme Disease: Clinician Barriers to Providing Care. Healthcare (Basel). Sep 27 2022;10(10)doi:10.3390/healthcare10101882

21 Replies to "Why are doctors reluctant to treat Lyme disease?"

  • Jessica
    04/01/2024 (9:50 pm)

    I just happened to stumble upon this. I’m still trying to figure out whether my issue is Lyme or RA. I have a high Rheumatoid Factor, but have also had Lyme. The high RF was found not long after having been treated for Lyme, about 2 years ago. One doctor said to go on Methotrexate…I want for a second opinion, this Rheumatologist is just monitoring….and found I have a Vitamin D deficiency as well. I have been getting progressively worse, fatigue, pain, anxiety….has really hit an all time high. The Lyme tests keep coming back negative. I was only treated initially with two weeks of Doxy… Even though I told them that I still had symptoms, they refused to continue to treat. All of the symptoms I have, others have mentioned above. It is scary, and hard to know which direction to go in…

    • Dr. Daniel Cameron
      04/02/2024 (6:28 am)

      It sounds as if you taking each condition under consideration. I have had patients who are given methotrexate with the hope it will work with mixed connective tissue. I have had patients with Lyme disease an co-infections who have benefited from additional treatment. I have not found Vitamin D as helpful as I would like.

  • Marie Montante
    02/07/2024 (9:18 pm)

    I went to the emergency room .The doctor was very upset and shook his head a ND said I had Lyme disease..a round red circle and when you pressed on the skin around it.it looked like hundreds of things the size of a head of a needle were going up and down in the middle of the circle.Itook antibiotics for 2 weeks and he said I could have trouble with my knees in the furture.Eventualy I did and my new doctor said there is no Lyme disease IN western N. Y..SO I SUFFER.a doctor gave me zethromicine for a cough and my knees got better but Lime moves around and effects so many things.I wish the insurance people and doctors who lie and don’t care would get Lyme so they would know what people suffer.I finally see I have hit a brick wall so a I don’t go to doctors anymore.I pray and try different things but I am so tired after 12 years of this.

    • Jessica
      04/01/2024 (9:53 pm)

      I know exactly how this feels. It’s so frustrating. I am obviously not alone.

  • June Wiaz
    02/01/2024 (4:07 pm)

    Recently diagnosed with chronic Lyme due to symptomology (“migrating” nerve and muscle pain, anxiety) and low HNK1 while blood cells as well as low ALK liver enzyme. Diagnosing doc is a naturopath in Berkeley, CA.

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