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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron
lyme disease treatment doxycyline

Drive-thru pharmacy for Lyme disease treatment with doxycycline?

The clinic’s program to over Lyme disease treatment and its effectiveness are described in a recent article by Portman, “Implementing a pharmacist-run Lyme disease postexposure prophylaxis clinic augmented by academic detailing within the Veterans Health Administration.”¹ In April 2018, VA Butler Healthcare in Pennsylvania opened a pharmacist-run Lyme disease PEP clinic, known as PharmLD clinic. […]

Drive-thru pharmacy for Lyme disease treatment with doxycycline? Read More »

Lyme disease case definition misused. Perspective.

“Many physicians will mistakenly defer to the CDC’s Lyme disease case definition in making a diagnosis. These clinicians require that patients meet this strict and narrow criteria in order to be diagnosed with the disease.” [2] “However, this definition was designed as a surveillance monitoring tool to track the number of Lyme disease cases throughout

Lyme disease case definition misused. Perspective. Read More »

Lyme disease in COVID-19 pandemic could be overlooked.

Cortiula and colleagues express concern that the diversion of resources might stretch an already fragile system. The diversion might lead to worse outcomes. “It is well established that delayed oncologic surgery may lead to disease progressions and result in tumors no longer resectable, leading to worse survival outcomes,” the authors wrote.  Could Lyme disease in

Lyme disease in COVID-19 pandemic could be overlooked. Read More »

A 75-year-old Chinese man with a negative Lyme disease test.

Chinese man with a negative Lyme disease test. An inside Lyme Podcast.

I will be discussing a 75-year-old Chinese man with a negative Lyme disease test. How often have doctors dismissed Lyme disease if the screening tests are negative? By Dr. Daniel Cameron Lamichhane and colleagues first discussed this case in the journal Case Reports in Infectious Diseases  in 2018. A 75-year-old Chinese man was evaluated in

Chinese man with a negative Lyme disease test. An inside Lyme Podcast. Read More »

woman with COVID-19 and Lyme disease treated by doctor

Risks for Lyme disease patients during a COVID-19 pandemic. A perspective.

There are reports that the COVID-19 virus can be more severe in individuals with a co-morbidity. A recent study found that out of 1,590 cases in China, 1 in 4 patients had at least one co-morbidity. [1] The study offers insight into the risks for Lyme disease patients during a COVID-19 pandemic. The most common

Risks for Lyme disease patients during a COVID-19 pandemic. A perspective. Read More »

A 15-year-old boy with severe cardiac Lyme disease

A boy with severe cardiac Lyme disease. An Inside Lyme Podcast.

I will be discussing a 15-year-old boy with severe cardiac Lyme disease in this Inside Lyme podcast. By Dr. Daniel Cameron Nawrocki and his colleague first discussed this case in the Air Medical Journal  in 2018. A 15-year-old boy experienced an episode of exertional syncope while at a trampoline park. Syncope is a temporary loss

A boy with severe cardiac Lyme disease. An Inside Lyme Podcast. Read More »

sick man on couch with chronic lyme disease

What is “chronic Lyme disease”?

Shor and colleagues identified a broad range of symptoms, signs, and conditions present in acute and chronic Lyme disease patients regardless of whether or not they received treatment.All of the cases referenced by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) working group had been diagnosed with Lyme disease based upon direct laboratory evidence of

What is “chronic Lyme disease”? Read More »