Lyme disease causes “false brain tumor” in young child

In this episode, Dr. Cameron discusses the case of a 9-year-old boy who developed symptoms often associated with a brain tumor but was diagnosed with Lyme disease and secondary pseudotumor cerebri.

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Lyme disease patient with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss

This Inside Lyme Podcast highlights the case of a 46-year-old man who developed permanent tinnitus and hearing loss following Lyme disease.

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What are the benefits of Lyme disease telemedicine?

lyme disease patient on telemedicine call
Doctors and their Lyme disease patients have been reluctant to meet face-to-face during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, we’ve turned to telemedicine appointments. What are the benefits of telemedicine for a Lyme disease patient?

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Lyme disease patient left with tinnitus and hearing loss

I will be discussing a unique case involving a 46-year-old Lyme disease patient who was left with tinnitus and hearing loss. This case was described by Jozefowicz-Korczynska   and colleagues  in the journal Frontiers in Neurology . A 46-year-old male farmer was hospitalized with a “sudden onset of tinnitus and hearing loss in the left ear, dizziness, severe balance instability, and gait ataxia,”  wrote the authors.  (Gait ataxia consists of lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements.)The doctors initially suspected and Acoustic Neuroma.  The tests were ...

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Secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus due to Lyme disease

A 67-year-old man, who developed multiple symptoms including balance problems, dizziness, bladder problems, and cognitive problems, was eventually diagnosed with secondary Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus due to Lyme disease. He was treated successfully with antibiotics, instead of having surgical placement of a stent from his brain to his stomach.

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Causes of treatment delays for 15 Lyme disease patients

The longer time between onset of symptoms and treatment of Lyme disease has been associated with poor outcomes. [1] Unfortunately, delays in treatment are often reported. So, what are the causes for such delays?

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Involuntary body movements due to Lyme disease dismissed as psychosomatic

involuntary body movements lyme disease
This podcast describes the case of an elderly patient with involuntary body movements who was initially diagnosed with a functional disorder, when in fact, his symptoms were due to Lyme disease.

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Focus on COVID-19 leads to delayed diagnosis of Lyme disease

covid lyme disease
In this episode, I’ll be discussing a unique case involving a 67-year-old man whose diagnosis of Lyme disease was delayed because clinicians suspected his symptoms were due to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 long haulers and Lyme disease patients share similar experiences

A commissioned report by the National Institute for Health Research describes the frustrations felt by COVID-19 long haulers. [1] Some of the information was obtained through interviews with individuals via a Facebook Support Group of more than 20,000 members. COVID-19 long haulers have also been discussed in Medical News & Perspectives [2] and the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. [3]

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Could cytokine storms lead to brain fog in Lyme disease patients?

Lyme disease and COVID-19 patients often complain of having ‘brain fog.’ In a recent study, Remsik and colleagues suggest that brain fog reported by COVID-19 patients may be due to cytokines rather than an infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

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