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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron
lab, medical, blood vials

9 cases of children in France with Lyme neuroborreliosis

“The exact prevalence of NB [neuroborreliosis] in France is unknown because reporting is not required,” explains Guet-Revillet. “Nevertheless, the prevalence seems rare.” The outcome for the 9 children “was favorable” after a 2- to 3-week course of third-generation cephalosporin. However, the outcomes have not been so positive for other pediatric cases. According to the authors’ […]

9 cases of children in France with Lyme neuroborreliosis Read More »

boy, child, sitting, alone

Lyme pseudothrombophlebitis in a young child

The pain had been ongoing for one week. “He described the pain as throbbing, worse with movement, and improved with rest,” writes Sandelich and colleagues.  Three days earlier, the boy had visited a different emergency department and was diagnosed with a muscle sprain following results from an X-ray. The boy’s pain, however, continued, and an ultrasound

Lyme pseudothrombophlebitis in a young child Read More »

Borrelia burgdorferi, spirochete, lyme disease

People re-infected with Lyme disease may develop strain-specific immunity

“It is common knowledge among veterinarians who practice in LD endemic areas that a significant percentage of dogs will develop repeated LD infections,” writes Khatchikian in the journal Infection and Immunity. [2] “This phenomenon is well-documented in humans,” as well, explains Khatchikian. “In one study, 15% of patients with LD living in a Lyme endemic

People re-infected with Lyme disease may develop strain-specific immunity Read More »

Cats carry all types of ticks and tick-borne diseases

Updated: April 22, 2019 In a study by Shannon and colleagues, 160 ticks and blood samples were collected from 70 healthy cats brought to the Mid Atlantic Cat Hospital in Queenstown, Maryland. [1] The authors found that the cats were carrying 3 species of ticks including 83 Lone Star ticks (Amblyomma americanum), 7 American dog ticks (Dermacentor

Cats carry all types of ticks and tick-borne diseases Read More »

The best antibiotics to treat Borrelia miyamotoi?

In the United States, as many as 15.4% of the blacklegged ticks were found to be infected with B. miyamotoi, compared with up to 4% in Europe and Japan, according to Koetsveld from the Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [1] Meanwhile, “Seroprevalence studies in New England suggest that

The best antibiotics to treat Borrelia miyamotoi? Read More »

Only a minority of children with Lyme disease recall a tick bite

The study looked at 325 children with Lyme disease who were evaluated at six different emergency medicine departments located in Lyme endemic regions. The patients all had an available tick bite history. “Our goal was to report the frequency of a known tick bite in children with Lyme disease overall and by stage,” the authors

Only a minority of children with Lyme disease recall a tick bite Read More »

Lyme borreliosis patients not receiving treatment, says infectious disease doctor

The study, by Roaldsnes and colleagues, describes 110 patients with muscular and joint pain, fatigue, memory and concentration impairments, who were assessed for possible Lyme neuroborreliosis. These patients had non-specific neurological symptoms. “Only one patient was diagnosed with possible Lyme neuroborreliosis. Altogether 27% had high levels of Borrelia-IgG serum antibodies,” the authors write. Many of

Lyme borreliosis patients not receiving treatment, says infectious disease doctor Read More »

military, Lyme disease, army, tick-borne diseases

Lyme disease forces 24-year-old army officer out of military

In the case report “Latent Lyme Disease Resulting in Chronic Arthritis and Early Career Termination in a United States Army Officer,” Weiss et al. describe a 24-year-old Second Lieutenant, trained at the U.S. Military Academy, whose career was terminated due to Lyme disease. [1] The young man had unexplained knee swelling after successfully completing hip

Lyme disease forces 24-year-old army officer out of military Read More »

Lyme disease manifests as an autoimmune disorder, Sjögren’s syndrome

A 43-year-old woman initially presented to an oncology clinic with symptoms of lymphadenopathy, a disease of the lymph nodes. She complained of low-grade fever, generalized swelling of lymph nodes, migrating aches in joints of arms and legs, dryness in mouth and eyes, weight loss, and fatigue for the past 6 months, writes Smiyan and colleagues.

Lyme disease manifests as an autoimmune disorder, Sjögren’s syndrome Read More »