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Dr. Daniel Cameron

Dr. Daniel Cameron

Lyme disease: One size does not fit all

A read of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) 2014 evidence based guidelines says otherwise.  The ILADS guidelines focus on the risk of poor outcomes such as chronic neurologic Lyme disease, Lyme encephalopathy, and post-Lyme disease syndrome. The ILADS guidelines highlight the poor evidence using the Institute of Medicine’s recommended evidence grading system.  The […]

Lyme disease: One size does not fit all Read More »

Is your fibromyalgia patient a candidate for Lyme disease treatment?

Fibromyalgia and Lyme disease symptoms can include muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal complaints, difficulty concentrating, headaches and temperature, light and sound sensitivities. Women are also more likely to be diagnosed with the condition. According to the National Institutes of Health, between 80% and 90% of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are women. The treatments, unfortunately, are not

Is your fibromyalgia patient a candidate for Lyme disease treatment? Read More »

Obama plan to fight antibiotic resistance may limit treatment for Lyme disease

The task force by Executive Order must submit an action plan by February 15, 2015, outlining specific steps on how to implement a national strategy to combat antibiotic resistance and accelerate research and development on new antibiotics by 2020. The task force will be led by the secretaries of Health and Human Services, the Department

Obama plan to fight antibiotic resistance may limit treatment for Lyme disease Read More »

draft post

The task force by Executive Order must submit an action plan by February 15, 2015, outlining specific steps on how to implement a national strategy to combat antibiotic resistance and accelerate research and development on new antibiotics by 2020. The task force will be led by the secretaries of Health and Human Services, the Department

draft post Read More »

Congratulations Congressman Chris Gibson, NY 19th CD, on passage of the Lyme disease bill

Congratulations are also in order for Congressman Chris Smith, NJ for all his years of support and work on making this bill. Congressman Sean Maloney, NY and Wolf, VA are to be thanked for their leadership as well.  Steve Bulger, District Director, Congressman Chris, Gibson – NY 19th CD, 518-610-8133 (office) Thanks are also in order

Congratulations Congressman Chris Gibson, NY 19th CD, on passage of the Lyme disease bill Read More »

Lyme disease patients may struggle with depression

One study found that more than 1/3 of patients with chronic neurologic Lyme disease suffered from depression, in addition to fatigue, headaches, poor concentration, lightheadedness, and joint pain. While depression is not uncommon in patients with chronic illness, it does seem to be more prevalent among patients with Lyme disease, according to Dr. Robert Bransfield,

Lyme disease patients may struggle with depression Read More »

LabCorp to deny physicians access to western blot tests for Lyme disease

Physicians have been disappointed by the poor sensitivity of the EIA or IFA screening tests for Lyme disease. The sensitivity of the whole-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to the B31 strain typically falls between 33-49% for patients presenting with an EM.[2-4] The sensitivity of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved complement peptide C6 (C6-peptide)

LabCorp to deny physicians access to western blot tests for Lyme disease Read More »

Senator Schumer joins the Lyme disease community in addressing oral antibiotic shortages

Senator Schumer addressed the shortage of doxycycline in his August 12, 2004 press conference in the Hudson Valley, New York. His comment included the following “LOOMING SHORTAGE OF DOXYCYCLINE, AN ANTIBIOTIC USED TO TREAT LYME DISEASE, IS SENDING PRICE OF DRUG SKYROCKETING DURING ONE OF WORST LYME SEASONS – SENATOR CALLS ON FDA TO INVESTIGATE

Senator Schumer joins the Lyme disease community in addressing oral antibiotic shortages Read More »

ILADS reminds parents of the ABCs of Lyme and other Tick-borne Infections

For Immediate Release: For Information or Interview Requests Contact: Sue Ferrara, PhD  (609) 947-9489  Back to School: The ABCs of Lyme and other Tick-borne Infections As families transition from summer activities to Back-to-School preparations, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) urges parent to think about where their children have been this summer;

ILADS reminds parents of the ABCs of Lyme and other Tick-borne Infections Read More »