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Borrelia miyamotoi can be transmitted from mother ticks to offspring

Lyme disease and Borrelia miyamotoi can be transmitted from a tick to a host and vice versa (horizontal transmission). B. miyamotoi can also be transmitted from the mother to their offspring (vertical transmission).

Pacemakers for Lyme carditis

Some patients with Lyme carditis (LC) require implantation of a pacemaker. Yeung and Baranchuk discussed the need for “preventing unnecessary implantation of permanent pacemakers in otherwise healthy young individuals” in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2019.

Similarities of Long-COVID and Lyme disease in children

Both COVID-19 and Lyme disease can lead to long term illness in children. In their article, “Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations,” Davis and colleagues summarized the symptoms of Long-COVID in children. [1]

Stroke associated with Lyme disease in a 59-year-old man

Stroke is a rare presentation of Lyme disease with only 5 cases reported in the U.S. But a recent study reminds us of the importance of considering Lyme disease in the differential diagnosis “in patients who present with stroke or acute confusional state in endemic areas for Lyme disease.”[1]

Increasing spread of Lyme disease in Europe

The number of Lyme disease cases continues to climb in the U.S. and Europe despite preventative measures. A new study examines the prevalence of Lyme disease in Greece, a country that has questioned its existence.

Can anaplasmosis cause heart problems?

The number of cases of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) is rising in the United States, with more than a three-fold increase over the past several years. The tick-borne illness is not often associated with conduction problems and myocardial disease. But a new study highlights a case in which anaplasmosis triggered mycopericarditis.

Can Lyme disease cause speech issues?

“Lyme can affect the nerves that are responsible for controlling the muscles in the vocal cords,” says Amesh A. Adalja, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “As a result, someone could technically lose their voice if they had Lyme disease.”

Patient contracts Babesia from a blood donor

Babesia is most commonly transmitted through a tick bite but it can also be transmitted through a blood transfusion. To minimize the risk to the public, blood banks now screen donors for Babesia in endemic states.

Black children more likely to be diagnosed later with Lyme disease

A recently published study confirms previous findings that black children are more likely to be diagnosed later with Lyme disease compared to other races.

The many presentations of the Lyme disease rash

The general public, as well as practicing clinicians often believe that the rash indicative of Lyme disease always presents in a bull’s-eye pattern. This is not correct. In this study, investigators sought to characterize various presentations of the rash in Lyme disease patients, in an effort to assist clinicians in recognizing the broad spectrum of EM lesions.