Growing list of eye problems in Lyme disease

Ophthalmic manifestations of tick-borne diseases are increasing in the United States, according to a review published recently in Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. And, "although ocular involvement can be self-limited, delays in diagnosis may result in vision impairment and even blindness," stated Sathiamoorthi from the Mayo Clinic. [1]

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Kidney failure and disseminated rashes associated with Lyme disease

In this episode of Inside Lyme, I will be discussing the case of a 66-year-old woman who ignored an EM rash, indicative of Lyme disease, and subsequently developed acute renal failure, also referred to as kidney failure.

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66-year-old woman with acute kidney failure associated with Lyme disease

I will be discussing the case of a 66-year-old woman who ignored a Bull's eye rash, indicative of Lyme disease, and later developed acute renal failure. This case was described by Mishra and colleagues  in the American Journal of Medicine .She presented with a tick bite followed by a rash.  She ignored the tick bite and rash.A month later she developed acute renal failure.  Her renal functions improved following hydration, antibiotics, and discontinuation of her losartan and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,” the authors explain. Renal failure has been ...

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43-year-old man with meningitis and radiculitis due to Lyme disease

In this episode, I will be discussing a unique case involving a 43-year-old man with neurological manifestations of Lyme disease including both meningitis and radiculitis.

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Case series shows wide range of Babesia symptoms and presentations

Babesia can be a serious tick-borne illness in some patients. A case series published in the Nurse Practitioner Journal demonstrates the difficulty in diagnosing the disease, as it can cause a wide range of clinical presentations. The authors focus on five cases which occurred in southeastern New Jersey, an area endemic for Babesia. All of the patients were hospitalized.

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PANDAS and Lyme disease in a 7-year-old child

This case involves a 7-year-old girl who developed multiple physical and neuropsychiatric symptoms six months after vacationing in a tick endemic region of the U.S. The symptoms emerged over a 3-week period, according to Dr. Charles Ray Jones, co-author and treating physician. [1]

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Doxycycline for children with Lyme disease. Pros and cons.

There are times when doctors need to consider whether or not to prescribe doxycycline for children with Lyme disease. The antibiotic is indicated for other tick-borne illnesses including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichia and Anaplasmosis. But doctors often avoid prescribing doxycycline to young children for fear that it may cause tooth staining, particularly when used in children less than 8 years old.

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7-year-old girl with PANDAS and Lyme disease

This case involves a 7-year-old girl who developed multiple physical and neuropsychiatric symptoms six months after vacationing in a tick endemic region of the US.  I first read about this case by Cross and colleagues in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry.The patient’s symptoms were extensive, Jones explains, and included “dramatic declines in cognitive functioning, concentration, and ability to focus, a loss of math skills, the onset of dysgraphia and difficulty with social cues, decreased processing speed, word selection problems, anxiety, fatigue, nighttime ...

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Can you get Lyme disease more than once? Ask the Lyme doc.

Patients often ask whether a person can become immune to Lyme disease or whether you can get Lyme disease more than once.

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Delayed onset Babesia. Case report.