715 results for author: Dr. Daniel CameronNot what you're looking for? Search Again

The third rail of Lyme disease: how Borrelia bacteria persist

Under the 2016 21st Century Cures Act, academic and government scientists, physicians, along with patient advocates, came together and formed the Tick-Borne Diseases Working Group. The group's mission was to develop recommendations to combat the spread of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

Lyme disease consultations common in France

Concerned about the over diagnosis of Lyme disease in France, Haddad and colleagues respond to a recent article discussing the treatment of 478 patients consulted for presumed Lyme borreliosis (LB) at a center in Nancy, France. In a Letter to the Editor, Haddad includes two other French studies and reports on their results. [1]

6 cases of Babesia in early Lyme disease

In their article “Co-infections in early Lyme disease,” Wormser and colleagues describe 52 adult patients with erythema migran rashes who were evaluated for the presence of co-infections. (Patients with extracutaneous manifestations were excluded.)

9 cases of children in France with Lyme neuroborreliosis

The authors of a recent review describe 9 cases of pediatric neuroborreliosis (NB) collected by the National Observatory of Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis in France between 2001 and 2012. The children, ages 4 – 13 years, presented with “meningeal irritation alone or with facial palsy, or isolated facial palsy, writes Guet-Revillet and colleagues. [1] All of the cases were confirmed with a spinal tap.

Lyme pseudothrombophlebitis in a young child

This case report, featuring an 8-year-old boy, illustrates, once again, the unusual presentation that can occur with Lyme disease. [1] The child was admitted to the emergency department at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia with swelling and pain in his knee and calf.

People re-infected with Lyme disease may develop strain-specific immunity

Have you ever wondered whether an infection with the Lyme disease (LD) spirochete elicits protective immunity? Izac and Marconi addressed that question in a recent study. The authors examined mice infected with clonal populations of spirochetes to determine if broad or strain-specific, bactericidal antibody responses occurred. [1]

How do Lyme disease vaccines work in dogs?

Wouldn’t it be great if the vaccines which prevent Lyme disease in dogs also worked for humans? Have you ever wondered how vaccines keep dogs safe? Izac and Marconi address those questions in their article “Diversity of the Lyme Disease Spirochetes and its Influence on Immune Responses to Infection and Vaccination.” [1]

Cats carry all types of ticks and tick-borne diseases

Did you know the cat you may be cuddling with on your couch every evening could be infected with a host of tick-borne diseases? Unlike our canine friends, cats are typically not symptomatic when it comes to such diseases. But as researchers have found, that doesn’t mean they are free from disease.

The best antibiotics to treat Borrelia miyamotoi?

Borrelia miyamotoi may be a disease you have never heard of. But the threat of this tick-borne illness is very real. First described in Japan in 1995, this emerging infectious disease is transmitted by the same blacklegged tick which carries the Lyme disease pathogen. In “Antimicrobial susceptibility of Borrelia miyamotoi,” researchers examine the effectiveness of several antibiotic regimes in the treatment of HTBRF.

Only a minority of children with Lyme disease recall a tick bite

With at least 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year in the U.S., an estimated 25% of those involve children. Unfortunately, the prevailing message has been that the majority of people, including children and adolescents, who develop Lyme disease will see either a tick bite or a bull’s eye rash. This just isn’t the case, as a new study by Nigrovic and colleagues demonstrates.