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Dismissing chronic Lyme disease for somatic symptom disorder diagnosis

The authors of this case series suggest that children with chronic Lyme disease symptoms be re-evaluated and diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder (SSD). Their article “Somatic symptom disorder should be suspected in children with alleged chronic Lyme disease” appears in the European Journal of Pediatrics. [1]

Recognizing knee pain associated with Lyme disease

“In our rural health center in Maine, Lyme disease is the most common cause of acute non-injury-related knee pain and swelling, usually presenting as unilateral, red, and warm,” writes Dr. Miller in a recent letter to the American Family Practice journal. “It can also be transitory and migratory. Many patients are unaware of having had a tick bite.” [1]

What exactly is POTS – postural tachycardia syndrome?

“Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a chronic debilitating condition characterized by symptoms of lightheadedness, fatigue, palpitations, pre-syncope, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and brain fog in conjunction with an exaggerated increase in heart rate (HR) when upright, despite maintenance of a normal blood pressure,” writes Wells in the journal Vascular Health and Risk Management. [1]

Number of post-treatment Lyme disease cases expected to soar

The number of post-treatment Lyme Disease (PTLD) cases is expected to soar, according to the authors of a new study, “Estimation of cumulative number of post-treatment Lyme disease cases in the US, 2016 and 2020.”

Lyme carditis presenting as atrial fibrillation treated successfully

Lyme carditis is known to cause symptoms of fatigue, difficulty or labored breathing (dyspnea), palpitations, lightheadedness, syncope, and chest pain. [1] But as this case report demonstrates, symptoms can sometimes be atypical. The authors describe a patient with Lyme carditis presenting as atrial fibrillation, a type of arrhythmia that causes the heart to beat much faster than normal.

Human bite leads to discovery of Asian longhorned ticks in New York

Asian longhorned ticks, which have been known to feed mainly on farm animals, particularly cattle, can transmit deadly diseases. In Asia, the longhorned ticks have infected humans with the potentially fatal disease SFTS (severe fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome). As of yet, no cases have been reported in the United States.

Study explores the risk of tick bites among German military personnel

Military personnel are at a particularly high risk of contracting a tick-borne disease, as they spend the majority of their time outdoors and in heavily forested areas. A new study, by Sammito and colleagues, looks at the risk of tick bites among individuals in the military stationed in northern Germany.

Neurological damage/dysfunction found in early Lyme disease patients

If Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete, the bacteria causing Lyme disease, can infect the brain and disrupt functioning of the central nervous system, it may also alter cerebral metabolism, suggests Garkowski and colleagues in the Journal of Neurology’s May 2019 issue.

Growing list of cardiac problems in Lyme disease

“Lyme disease affects all layers of the heart and every part of the conducting system,” writes Kannangara and colleagues in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases. [1] The authors came to this conclusion following treatment of a 37-year-old male with inducible heart block (HB).

Infected deer ticks moving into New York City

In 2017, New York City (NYC) health officials released an advisory, warning clinicians to be on alert for patients who may exhibit symptoms of a tick-borne disease. According to the notice, Staten Island, a borough of NYC, had a significant number of locally acquired Lyme disease cases. [1]