Delayed onset Babesia case

The man had been diagnosed with the tick-borne illness Babesia in Florida 10 weeks after travelling to New York. Initially, he presented with a 4-day history of fever, generalized weakness, and flu-like symptoms.  I first read about this case by Patel and colleagues in the journal Cureus .His fever was 104.8 F.  His hemoglobin dropped from 9.3g/dL to 6.7g/dL within 5 hours. He was diagnosed with hemolysis and transfused with 2 units of packed red blood cells. A peripheral blood smear revealed a Maltese cross typically seen in Babesia.  He was treated successfully. But ...

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What does a Lyme flare-up feel like? Ask the Lyme Doc.

What does a Lyme flare-up feel like
Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that can lead to unpredictable disease flare-ups and remissions. The best know flare-up is called a Herxheimer reaction. A Herxheimer reaction was first identified in patients with syphilis and occurs when the body reacts to endotoxin-like products released by the death of bacteria in the body after starting an antibiotic. A flare-up may occur following a trigger or as part of the illness.

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Can Lyme disease stay with you forever?

All too often, physicians assume that Lyme disease is easy to diagnose and treat. But for those clinicians treating tick-borne illnesses on a regular basis, Lyme disease is clearly a complex illness that is frequently misdiagnosed and challenging to treat with some patients experiencing chronic, long-lasting symptoms. Doctors treating Lyme disease are often asked by patients: Does Lyme disease stay with you forever or can it be cured?

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Lyme disease manifests as abdominal pain in a young child

Herxheimer reaction in a 13-year-old boy with Lyme disease

herxheimer reaction in boy with lyme disease
A Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (JHR), also referred to as a Herxheimer reaction, was first described after initiating treatment for syphilis. This reaction is associated with the onset of new symptoms or a worsening of existing symptoms in patients receiving antibiotic treatment. The Herxheimer reaction has also been described in patients treated for leptospirosis, relapsing fever, and Lyme disease.

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ALS or Lyme disease for a 63-year-old man?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive motor neuron disease.“In July 2018, that is, within six months, he developed paraparesis of both arms and also suffered from cramps in the shoulder girdle and hand muscles,” wrote the authors. “By August 2018, the patient was severely impaired in everyday life activities.”I first read about this case by Wirsching and colleagues in the journal Clinical Case Reports. His spinal test was positive for Lyme disease a high white count and positive labs tests for Lyme disease.  ...

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ALS mimicked lyme disease. A case report.

9 ways COVID-19 and Lyme disease can look alike

covid-19 and lyme disease in patient being examined
COVID-19 and Lyme disease are two different diseases. Yet, COVID-19 and Lyme disease can look alike. There are 9 symptoms of COVID-19 that are also seen in Lyme disease.

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Lyme disease mimics cellulitis skin infection

patient with lyme disease being examined for cellulitis
Lyme disease can mimic acute and chronic illness. In their article “Lyme Disease Mimics Postoperative Cellulitis,” the authors describe a patient who developed an abdominal rash, which was initially diagnosed as cellulitis, six days after a laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy surgery. [1]

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Should Lyme disease patients with an impaired immune system get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted mRNA COVID-19 vaccination considerations for people who have a weakened immune system. “People with HIV and those with weakened immune systems due to other illnesses or medication might be at increased risk for severe COVID-19.” [1] Individuals with Lyme disease, who may have an impaired immune system, have expressed concern over the vaccine.

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