Prevalence of Borrelia infections and Powassan virus in Maine

tick, deer tick, powassan virus, tick-borne disease
The number of cases of Lyme disease in Maine have been growing over the past 3 decades with 1,848 patients diagnosed in 2017, according to Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This is an increase of 23% since 2016. But other tick-borne diseases are causing concern, as well, including anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Borrelia miyamotoi and the Powassan virus, which killed a Maine woman in 2013.

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Relying on a negative Lyme disease test can prove deadly

In August of 2013, a 17-year-old boy died suddenly from cardiac arrest. Initially, health officials blamed the Powassan virus for his death. But a recent report in Cardiovascular Pathologist finds that the young man died instead from Lyme carditis.

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Powassan virus infection causes polio-like illness

Evidence of a Powassan virus infection affecting the spinal cord has, until now, only been seen in mouse studies. But a new article describes the first known case of a 62-year-old man from Canada who developed a polio-like illness caused by the Powassan virus (POWV).

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What blood type do ticks prefer?

Ever wonder why some people are more likely to be bitten by a tick than others? Researchers in the Czech Republic claim it may have to do with a person’s blood type. “The influence of blood groups on certain diseases such as malaria or some cancers has been already discussed and proved,” the authors point out. Type O blood has been linked to the slow progression of malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes. “This may suggest that there could be a similar relationship between tick-borne diseases and some blood group(s).”

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The third rail of Lyme disease: how Borrelia bacteria persist

Under the 2016 21st Century Cures Act, academic and government scientists, physicians, along with patient advocates, came together and formed the Tick-Borne Diseases Working Group. The group's mission was to develop recommendations to combat the spread of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

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Yale doctor says children don’t have Lyme, but medically unexplained symptoms

Dr. Eugene Shapiro, from the pediatric infectious disease clinic at Yale Medical Center, conducted a review of patient records. He discussed his findings in a videotaped interview and urged the medically community to develop ways to prevent "healthcare-seeking behaviors" by parents who believed their children may have Lyme disease.

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Lyme disease consultations common in France

Concerned about the over diagnosis of Lyme disease in France, Haddad and colleagues respond to a recent article discussing the treatment of 478 patients consulted for presumed Lyme borreliosis (LB) at a center in Nancy, France. In a Letter to the Editor, Haddad includes two other French studies and reports on their results. [1]

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6 cases of Babesia in early Lyme disease

In their article “Co-infections in early Lyme disease,” Wormser and colleagues describe 52 adult patients with erythema migran rashes who were evaluated for the presence of co-infections. (Patients with extracutaneous manifestations were excluded.)

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9 cases of children in France with Lyme neuroborreliosis

lab, medical, blood vials
The authors of a recent review describe 9 cases of pediatric neuroborreliosis (NB) collected by the National Observatory of Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis in France between 2001 and 2012. The children, ages 4 – 13 years, presented with “meningeal irritation alone or with facial palsy, or isolated facial palsy, writes Guet-Revillet and colleagues. [1] All of the cases were confirmed with a spinal tap.

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Lyme pseudothrombophlebitis in a young child

boy, child, sitting, alone
This case report, featuring an 8-year-old boy, illustrates, once again, the unusual presentation that can occur with Lyme disease. [1] The child was admitted to the emergency department at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia with swelling and pain in his knee and calf.

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