714 results for author: Dr. Daniel CameronNot what you're looking for? Search Again

Don’t let Scrooge ruin Christmas for Lyme disease patients

Patients suffering with an illness often turn to their doctors for empathy. This is particularly true for those individuals living with chronic, often debilitating, symptoms. An understanding practitioner can play an important role in aiding a patient back to health and impacting clinical outcomes. Yet, according to a study published in this month's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), mental health clinicians may actually be less likely to show empathy to their patient if there is an underlying, biological cause behind the illness.

Senate Unanimously Passes Lyme Disease Act – Canada

OTTAWA - Elizabeth May’s Private Member’s Bill, C-442, the Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Act, was passed unanimously at third reading by the Senate the morning of Friday, December 12. The bill now awaits Royal Assent by the Governor General for it to become law.

It’s Chronic Fatigue, Not Lyme, infectious disease doc tells Senators

Emotions became heated, at times, during a Senate committee hearing, held last week in Canada, to review proposed legislation that would create a national strategy for Lyme disease. Bill C-442, An Act Respecting a Federal Framework on Lyme Disease, has passed the House of Commons and is now before the Senate.

Is your fibromyalgia patient a candidate for Lyme disease treatment?

If you have been disappointed to find your fibromyalgia patient is not getting better, you may conclude your patient is a candidate for Lyme disease treatment. The medical conditions share similar symptoms, making an accurate diagnosis challenging.

Congratulations Congressman Chris Gibson, NY 19th CD, on passage of the Lyme disease bill

The house bill, Amended HR 4701, titled "To provide for scientific frameworks with respect to vector borne diseases," September 9, 2014 passed the evening of September 9, 2014. Click on read more for a link to the C-span coverage.

Lyme disease expected to be epidemic in Ohio

Have you seen any evidence that Lyme disease is becoming epidemic in your state?

Lyme disease patients may struggle with depression

There is growing evidence that Lyme disease can lead to psychiatric symptoms, including anxiety disorders and depression. There have been cases where chronically ill Lyme disease patients were suicidal. But, whether psychiatric manifestations, including suicidal ideation, are due to an infection or the result of struggling with a debilitating condition is unknown.

LabCorp to deny physicians access to western blot tests for Lyme disease

Labcorp will not offer a western blot test for individuals unless they are positive or equivocal for the Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) or Immunoflorescense (IFA) screening tests for Lyme disease as of August 11, 2014.[1]

Senator Schumer joins the Lyme disease community in addressing oral antibiotic shortages

Senator Schumer addressed the shortage of doxycycline in his August 12, 2004 press conference in the Hudson Valley, New York. His comment included the following “LOOMING SHORTAGE OF DOXYCYCLINE, AN ANTIBIOTIC USED TO TREAT LYME DISEASE, IS SENDING PRICE OF DRUG SKYROCKETING DURING ONE OF WORST LYME SEASONS – SENATOR CALLS ON FDA TO INVESTIGATE CURRENT SITUATION, PROACTIVELY ADDRESS DRUG SHORTAGES” “Lyme Disease Is Up Throughout The Hudson Valley & Around The State; Already More Cases This Year Than in 2013 & Projected to Be More than in 2012 – Access to Doxycycline, Medicine That Helps Prevent High-Risk Tick Bites From ...

ILADS reminds parents of the ABCs of Lyme and other Tick-borne Infections

“Many people never see a tick as it’s biting; and, many people won’t exhibit what has become known as the bull’s eye rash,” said Dr. Cameron. “However, there are other signs parents should look for including fatigue, headaches, poor concentration and joint pain,” said Dr. Cameron."