714 results for author: Dr. Daniel CameronNot what you're looking for? Search Again

Lyme disease sleep disorders

Patients with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) may experience sleep disturbances, according to a study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Researchers found, “PTLDS participants reported significantly worse global sleep and sleep disturbance scores and worse fatigue, functional impact, and more cognitive-affective depressive symptoms compared to poor-sleeping controls.” [1]

Could Lyme disease in children lead to parental flooding?

I have found that in my practice, Lyme disease in children can cause emotional, educational, and social issues, oftentimes with debilitating consequences. Some of the parents have felt overwhelmed by their child’s illness. Could there be parental flooding during conflicts with a child who has Lyme disease?

Can Lyme disease impact pregnancy outcome?

Although studies indicate that most infections have a similar effect on pregnant vs. non-pregnant women, several (such as influenza, hepatitis E, herpes simplex virus infections, malaria) may be more severe in pregnant women. Now, researchers investigate whether Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, the pathogen causing Lyme disease, might impact pregnancy outcome, as well.

Ticks live and thrive in the Alps

There are ticks in them thar hills. It appears that ticks are everywhere, even in the Alps. In the late 1980’s, ticks did not exist or were rare in Italy’s Piedmont region, located at the base of the Alps. But, “In recent years, a marked increase in tick abundance has been observed in several Alpine valleys, together with more frequent reports of Lyme borreliosis,” writes Garcia-Vozmediano and colleagues. [1]

Are doctors reluctant to diagnose Lyme disease?

A study by Tulloch and colleagues, published in the journal BJGP Open, examined the decision-making behavior of general practitioners (GPs) when applying Read codes to non-specific clinical presentations. The authors used Lyme disease as a case example and recruited GPs in the North West of England. [1]

Lyme disease misdiagnosed as shingles in a 62-year-old man

A recent article, published in the journal Clinical Case Reports, describes the case of a 62-year-old man, from Norway, who was initially diagnosed with shingles, a viral infection which produces a painful skin rash with blisters in a localized area on the body. [1] Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is common in older individuals who have had chickenpox.

Six cases of neurological Lyme disease

Clinicians from Mayo Clinic describe 6 cases of neurological Lyme disease in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases. [1] Five of the cases presented with Bannwarth syndrome (BWS), an uncommon manifestation of neurologic Lyme disease.

Can Lyme disease cause dementia?

There have been reports of Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the bacterial agent of Lyme disease, triggering primary dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers who examined the records of 1,594 patients with dementia found that 1.25% had a positive intrathecal anti-Borrelia antibody index (AI), specific for neuroborreliosis. They concluded, “Pure Lyme dementia exists and has a good outcome after antibiotics.” 1

Successful treatment for Lyme arthritis after knee surgery

This published case report by Wright and colleagues features what the authors believe is the "first patient with late Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto arthritis-related prosthetic joint infection. They suggest "the case highlights how early, prompt diagnosis and adequate antimicrobial therapy may obviate the need for additional aggressive orthopedic surgical intervention."

Can Lyme disease cause jaundice?

Gastrointestinal complications are often seen in Lyme disease. But hyperbilirubinemia, a condition that causes yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin, referred to as jaundice, is a rare manifestation of Lyme disease. Only a handful of cases have been reported in the literature.