Lyme disease associated with kidney problems

There are only a handful of published cases describing the impact of Lyme disease on the kidneys. In their article “Lyme disease-associated glomerulonephritis,” Mc Causland and colleagues highlight several cases of glomerulonephritis (inflammation and damage to the filtering part of the kidneys) due to Lyme disease. [1]

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Lyme endocarditis diagnosed by PCR testing

In their article “Lyme disease: A rare cause of infective endocarditis,” Gomez-Tschrnko and colleagues describe a patient with culture-negative Lyme endocarditis who was diagnosed based on PCR tissue analysis. [1]

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Can ticks fly with the help of static electricity?

Many have asked - can ticks fly? Apparently they can, using static electricity.

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Cardiac problems after a 10-day course of treatment for Lyme disease

Some doctors prescribe short courses of antibiotics for Lyme disease. Others prescribe antibiotics longer with the hope they can prevent complications, such as cardiac problems, due to Lyme disease. In this case report, a patient developed atrial flutter following a brief course of antibiotics.

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Lyme disease triggers seizures in young child

In their article, “Rare Presentation of Pediatric Nervous System Lyme Disease: A Case Report,” Khurtsilava and colleagues describe a unique case involving a young child who developed seizures due to Lyme disease. [1]

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Autism (ASD) symptoms improve following treatment for Lyme disease

In their case report, investigators describe a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), whose cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms resolved completely or improved substantially after he was treated with antibiotics for Lyme disease and Bartonella.

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Neck pain in a child with Lyme disease due to radiculoneuritis

Boy getting massage for neck pain due to Lyme disease.
Doctors typically look for Bell’s palsy or erythema migrans rash when diagnosing Lyme disease. However, Baker and colleagues described a 10-year-old boy with Lyme disease with neck pain without Bell’s palsy or an erythema migrans rash. [1]

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Treatment for Relapsing Babesiosis?

Babesiosis can present with a variety of symptoms ranging from asymptomatic disease to severe symptoms, resulting in death. The tick-borne illness can be transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick or unknowingly through a tainted blood transfusion.

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Lyme arthritis symptoms in young child emerge years after tick bite

Symptoms of Lyme disease may not present immediately following a tick bite. As this case report highlights, taking a thorough medical and travel history can be crucial in diagnosing and treating the illness.

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Wheelchair-bound CEO regains ability to walk after Lyme disease treatment

Lyme arthritis is characterized by joint swelling lasting for weeks to months and potentially causing permanent joint damage. It can worsen symptoms in patients with existing joint conditions such as osteoarthritis and may go undiagnosed, leading to unnecessary surgeries.

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